The China-United States Trade War: Changing Roles and Balance of Power in the United States

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Naphakhawat Wanchai


The China–United States trade war reflects the preservation of American power status through economic and foreign policy towards China. It reveals a desire to maintain an original power status. Therefore, factors related to the economic role of the United States (US) and the balance of power in the US change according to world economic development. For this reason, this article aims to study: 1) economic policies significant for maintaining US power status; 2) the US role in technological competition; and 3) US understanding of how to maintain power and economic status through asymmetrical theory and realism, including related research on the role of the economy and geopolitical-geoeconomic analysis. Results were that the US balance and its economic role are challenged and shifting. Chinese rise in technological competition and economic growth incites US competition. To maintain leadership, technological roles must be strengthened. However, economic conditions may be insufficient for maintaining the status quo. U.S. foreign policy developments may be needed to maintain U.S. global leadership in maintaining international relations and providing financial assistance to developing nations.

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How to Cite
Wanchai, N. (2023). The China-United States Trade War: Changing Roles and Balance of Power in the United States. Graduate Review of Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 2(1), 53–92. Retrieved from
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