Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT <p><strong>Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT:</strong> ISSN: 2586-8543 E-ISSN: 2730-2105</p> <p>Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT is an academic journal published by the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Thailand.</p> <p><strong>Publication Frequency:</strong> 2 issues per year (January-June, and July-December)</p> <p><strong>Article Processing Charge (APC)</strong> : 4,000 baht <em>(non-refundable) </em>(See <a href=""><em>Submissions</em></a>)</p> <p><strong>Aims and Scope:</strong> The Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT adheres to a publishing policy that prioritizes the dissemination of scholarly works of exceptional quality within the domains of humanities, social sciences, linguistics, applied linguistics, tourism, hotel management, aviation service industry, physical education and recreation, and other relevant fileds. All faculty members, students, and researchers, both affiliated with and external to the university are cordially invited.</p> Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi en-US Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT 2586-8543 The Dream Shore Imthira Rojkiratikarn Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 101 103 The Development of English Reading Comprehension Ability of the 8th Grade Students with KWL-Plus Learning <p>This action research aimed to develop the English reading comprehension ability of 8<sup>th </sup>grade students using KWL-Plus, with the goal of achieving a pass rate of 70% of the total score. The target group comprised 36 students from Mathayomsuksa 2/6 in the academic year 2023 at Amnatcharoen School. The research instruments included three KWL-Plus learning management plans, each lasting 3 hours, for a total of 9 hours. Additionally, there were three sets of reading comprehension tests, each with 20 multiple-choice questions. Reflective assessment tools used to evaluate the research included behavior observation forms and interviews. Statistical analyses employed percentages, means, and standard deviations. The research results revealed that students achieved an average score of 15.09 out of 20, equating to 75.46% of the total score. Moreover, 29 out of 32 students met the passing criteria, amounting to 90% of the total, which exceeded the set benchmark. Most students showed improvement in their ability to comprehend English texts accurately, answer questions based on the readings, and summarize key points effectively.</p> Thanthita Thongdee Prasart Nuangchalerm Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 1 11 10.60101/jla.2024.5.2.4757 The Development of Skills in Spelling Vocabulary by Using Canva Application : Activity, Landscape, Occupation and Emotion for Students Grade 9 Suwanplubpla Pittayakom School <p>The purposes of this classroom action research were 1) to compare skills in spelling English vocabulary of Grade 9 students before and after using the Canva application and 2) to study the satisfaction of Grade 9 students with learning through this application. The target groups of this present research included 24 students in 3/3 class, who were studying in the second semester and were selected by the purposive sampling method. The research tools included: six learning plans integrated with the Canvas application as teaching English media, the exercises to measure the ability of students to spell English vocabulary, and the questionnaire to measure student satisfaction with learning management using the Canvas application as English teaching media. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics: mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research findings showed that 1) after using the Canva application, students had a higher mean score. The mean score of the post-test was 27.58 (<img src="blob:" />= 27.58, S.D. = 1.88) and that of the mean score of the pre-test was 18.58 ( <img src="blob:" />= 18.58, S.D. = 3.56) with the statistical significance at the .01 level. In addition, the students were satisfied with teaching and learning English spelling by using the Canva application at a good level. 2) Grade 9 students after using the Canva application teaching media were higher than their academic achievement scores.</p> Navapol Udomying Sasiporn Phongploenpis Sucheera Mahimuang Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 12 25 10.60101/jla.2024.5.2.4833 The Success of Persons with Disabilities' s Career Promotion Through the 60+ Plus Bakery & Chocolate Cafe <p>The purposes of this research are to: 1) study the implementation of 60+ Plus Bakery &amp; Chocolate Cafe, 2) study the vocational training model for people with disabilities, in each type of disability, and 3) study the factors that contribute to the success of 60+ Plus Bakery &amp; Chocolate Cafe in promoting careers for people with disabilities. This research is qualitative research. The data were collected from individual in-depth interviews and observations involving 4 groups of people, totaling 13 participants, and presented using descriptive analysis. The research results indicated that the implementation of 60+ Plus Bakery &amp; Chocolate Cafe is based on the concept of Disability Inclusive Business (DIB), which is a business model that allows people with disabilities to participate. This concept is provided by the Asia and Pacific Development Center on Disability Foundation, which organizes vocational skill training projects in food business for people with disabilities by requesting budget support from the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities to cover training expenses. In addition, this project received knowledge support from networks with expertise in the food business, namely Thai Yamazaki Company Limited and MarkRin Chocolate Company Limited. Overall, the training model consists of seven processes, including requesting budget support for training people with disabilities, recruiting trainees, selecting trainees, assigning trainers, determining the duration of training, selecting training methods, and providing Internships. Furthermore, the success factors in promoting employment for people with disabilities include three elements: promoting the employment of people with disabilities, promoting occupational opportunities for people with disabilities, and supporting social enterprises. In conclusion, it is recommended that businesses accept people with disabilities in the workplace, based on learning and understanding how to work with them effectively. The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities should advocate for policies that promote food and service opportunities for people with disabilities, moving from prototype cases to concrete initiatives. Moreover, the office of Social Enterprise Promotion should encourage businesses to be inclusive, allowing people with disabilities to participate at all levels.</p> Kanittha Chotchaipipattana Chairat Wongkitrungruang Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 26 36 10.60101/jla.2024.5.2.5081 Trends in Five Soft Power Affective Thai Tourists’ Travel Decisions in Phra Nakorn Si Ayutthaya Province <p>This study aimed to examine 1) the trends of five aspects of soft power influencing Thai tourists' decisions to visit Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province; and 2) the model of the five aspiects of soft power affecting Thai tourists’ decisions to visit Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. This research employed a qualitative method using the grounded theory approach and the data were gathered through in-depth interviews with 17 key informants selected based on the criteria of being Thai tourists visiting Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya at least twice between 2021 and 2024. The data collection continued until saturation was reached and the triangulation method was used to validate the data, along with a review of primary and secondary documents. Content analysis was conducted, considering the context of the analyzed documents. The findings revealed that Thailand's five key soft power areas (5Fs), namely food, fashion, fight, film, and festival, significantly influence Thailand's tourism industry. These elements enhanced international recognition and served as essential tools for driving and developing the economy, generating substantial national revenue. Particularly, food had proven to be a popular attraction for both Thai and foreign tourists, becoming a unique identity of Thailand. Additionally, the suitable model for promoting tourism in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province was identified as festival organization, which could integrate other soft power areas. Also, the theoretical conclusion drawn from the in-depth interview showed seven areas influencing tourists’ decisions to visit Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, including perception, identity, experiential creation, value creation, storytelling, activities, and marketing promotions. These main components were interlinked with tourism through the five soft power areas.</p> Pornnapa Thanapotivirat Nathamon Sangwan Parichat Khampheng Weerachaya Sirimongkolwiwat Jinnapat Choeychom Sadtwut Tangpraneet Wannisa Namsang Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 37 48 10.60101/jla.2024.5.2.4690 An Analysis of Consumer’s Motivation and Behavior towards the Decision Making on Choosing Restaurants on Banthat Thong Road, Bangkok <p>This quantitative research aimed at: 1) examining the level of consumer motivation in choosing restaurants on Banthat Thong Road, Bangkok; 2) investigating the level of consumer behavior in choosing these restaurants on Banthat Thong Road, Bangkok; and 3) analyzing the motivational and behavioral factors influencing the consumers' decision to choose restaurants on Banthat Thong Road, Bangkok. This survey-based research used questionnaires to collect the data using convenience sampling method from 400 consumers who had dined at the restaurants on Banthat Thong Road, Bangkok. The statistical methods used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that the overall consumer motivation for choosing restaurants was at a high level, including both pull and push factors. Likewise, consumer behavior in restaurant selection was also at a high level, involving reasons for information search, purchase decision, needs awareness, and alternative evaluation. The hypothesis testing indicated that consumer motivation factors significantly influencing restaurant decision at 0.01 level included pull and push factors. Regarding consumer behavior, significant factors influencing restaurant decision at the 0.01 level were alternative evaluation, information search, and needs awareness.</p> Nanpassakorn Ritpanitchajchaval Tatpicha Harutaivorakul Bussara Tungsiriphatporn Sirawut Yotanon Kanokporn Krutpapan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 49 61 10.60101/jla.2024.5.2.4675 An Investigation into Motivational Attitudes and Key Factors Influencing the Wat Mahawanaram Community's Perception on Amulets of Mahawanaram Temple in Ubon Ratchathani Province <p>The purposes of this research were to investigate the attitudes of the Wat Mahawanaram community members towards of amulets of Mahawanaram Temple and to analyze the factors influencing their adherence to these amulets of Mahawanaram Temple, Ubon Ratchathani province. The study employed a qualitative research, collecting data through interviews with 50 community members aged 15 - 80 living in the Wat Mahawanaram community, Mueang District, Ubon Ratchathani. In-depth interviews were also conducted with 10 selected participants from the same community. For data analysis, methodological triangulation was applied in the collection methods. The findings revealed that the community's motivational attitudes towards possessing amulets were based on the following reasons: 1) Sacred objects are believed to inspire confidence and success in business and trade, career fulfillment, and an overall improved quality of life. 2) The artistic value of the Buddha image known as Phra Chao Yai In Plaeng appeals to collectors who preserve these amulets as a form of conservation while also generating income through the trade of Buddhist art. 3) The abundance of anecdotal evidence and personal experiences within the community has fostered support for the sacred relics associated with the Phra Chao Yai In Plaeng Buddha statue. The key factors influencing the community’s decision to venerate sacred relics included three areas: (1) Social factors; the community’s faith in Phra Chao Yai In Plaeng as a spiritual protector reinforces moral conduct and promotes peace and order withing the community. (2) Artistic craftsmanship; the amulets, inspired by the Lan Chang art style, feature depictions of the Buddha in the Maravijaya posture on a lotus base. They are produced in various forms such as round, oval rectangular, petal-shaped, and shield-shaped medallions, made from materials like silver, gold, black oxide, navaloha, and copper. (3) Economic and market factors; pricing and distribution depend on buyer-seller satisfaction, with considerations given to the condition of medallions (no defects), age, and production series of the medallions. The study recommends further research on amulets from the perspectives of business mechanisms and power exchange. </p> Manasak Mahing Panita Sadompruek Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 62 71 10.60101/jla.2024.5.2.4786 Beliefs and Rituals Regarding Death of Hua Phai Catholic Community In Chonburi and Chachoengsao Provinces <p>This research aims to study beliefs and rituals regarding death in the Hua Phai Catholic community. Using document and field research methods, the results found that the Hua Phai Catholic community believes that human life is connected to God from birth until death. There are beliefs about the present life and life after death, including the law of karma, heaven, hell, and purgatory. Death rituals include the anointing of the dying and funerals, which are led by a priest. A mass is celebrated at home or at church according to the wishes of the deceased's relatives. The body is then buried in a Roman Catholic cemetery at Saint Philip and Saint Jacob Church, Hua Phai. This community has maintained a registry of deceased persons since the past. There are four types of records: Christians who died in the precepts and blessings of the priest, infants of Christians in the community, non-Christians who were baptized at the point of death, and infants of non-Christians who were baptized on the brink of death. The cemetery blessing is a ceremony that expresses gratitude to the ancestors. It is an annual event organized by the Hua Phai Catholic community during Lent. It is a time for family gatherings to make merit, dedicate merit to ancestors, and meet each other. The beliefs and rituals regarding death clearly reflect the cultural identity of this community.</p> Aranya Saensra Wisan Wongkaew Chanathip Sriwan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 72 85 10.60101/jla.2024.5.2.4736 Community Participation in Conservation and Traditional Inheritance of Lak Phra Tang Num in Wat Pattasema Thadee Subdistrict, Lansaka District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province <p>This research aimed to study community participation in the conservation and traditional inheritance of the Lak Phra Tang Nam (pulling a religious boat along the waterway) tradition at Patthasema Temple, Thadee Subdistrict, Lansaka District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, the problems and obstacles of community participation, and guidelines for promoting the community participation. This mixed-method research collected data from 381 people; and for the qualitative target group, data were gathered from 40 people. The research tools used were a questionnaire, interview, document analysis form, participation and non-participation observation. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The research showed that: 1) overall, community participation in the conservation and traditional inheritance of the Lak Phra Tang Nam tradition at Patthasema Temple was at an average level. The aspect with the highest level of participation was Participation in Receiving Benefits, followed by Participation in Operation, Participation in Thinking and Making Decisions, and Participation in Monitoring and Evaluating. 2) Problems and obstacles of community participation in conservation and traditional inheritance of Lak Phra Tang Nam found in this research were that it lacked the network to join in organizing the activities, it needed a lot of budget to organize the activities, most religious boat building artisans were elderly, there was no agency to collect the knowledge, it lacked the public relations for the traditional information, the new generation was less involved in the tradition, unity and harmony should be built in the community, and participation in receiving the benefits was not equal. 3) Guidelines for promoting the community participation in conservation and traditional inheritance of Lak Phra Tang Nam were as follows: awareness should be built among people in the community to realize the importance of this tradition, it should promote and create a cooperation network from all sectors, the network in organizing the activities should be increased and the budget should be contributed, the activities in communicating the knowledge of making religious boat should be organized, local curriculum about Lak Phra Tang Nam tradition must be created, and there should be the monitor and evaluation of this tradition.</p> Sudawan Meebua Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 2 86 100 10.60101/jla.2024.5.2.4762