Public Participation in Village Fund Management Ban Pao Subdistrict Mukdahan Province Public Participation in Village Fund Management Ban Pao Subdistrict Mukdahan Province

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Dondet Klangpraphan
Siamporn Panthachai


The objectives of this study were: 1) to study the participation of the people in village fund management, Ban Pao Sub-district, Nong Sung District, Mukdahan Province, 2) to study the relationship between the Saraniyadhamma 6Principles and their participation in fund management. Ban Pao Village, Nong Sung District, Mukdahan Province and 3) To study the approach for integrating Saranee Dharma 6 to promote participation in village fund management, Ban Pao Sub-district, Nong Sung District, Mukdahan Province. Carry out research with integrated research methodology. Data was collected using a questionnaire. From a sample of 113 people, data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. By analyzing the frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested using Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis. and interviewed 10 key informants or people. Data were analyzed by using context analysis techniques and data synthesis according to research objectives. The results showed that
1. People's participation in village fund management, Ban Pao Subdistrict, Nong Sung District, Mukdahan Province as a whole was at a high level.
2. Integration of Saraniyadhamma 6 to promote public participation in village fund management Ban Pao Sub-district, Nong Sung District, Mukdahan Province found that people agreed with the application of the principle.
Saraniyadhamma 6 to promote participation of the people in village fund management, Ban Pao Subdistrict, Nong Sung District, Mukdahan Province. Overall, it was at a high level.
3. An analysis of the relationship between Saraniyadhamma 6 and the Participatory Principle To promote participation of the people in village fund management, Ban Pao Subdistrict, Nong Sung District, Mukdahan Province. Overall, there was a high positive correlation (R=.824**).
4. Guidelines for promoting participation of village fund members in village fund management Ban Pao Sub-district, Nong Sung District, Mukdahan Province Which is classified as the main factor of Saraniyadhamma in 6 aspects: 1) Mercy Manokarma is a good idea. optimistic, have good wishes for each other love and kindness Think only of creative things for each other. No jealousy, no bias, no resentment, no revenge. Give each other a chance and always forgive each other. 2) Mettawajikarma, saying only good things speak with good intentions encouragement no slander Don't say it over and over and undermine your morale. Do not gossip and slander both in front and behind your back. Say good and useful advice. Do not lie and deceive. 3) Be kind to the body, do good things to each other, help each other bodily with humility. know how to honor not harass or bully each other Do not hurt each other to suffer Do the right thing all the time 4) Satharana-bhogi, share common interests with fairness, even if it is obtained only in small amounts, but distributed for common consumption. Share happiness together. 5) Silasamanyuta Behave in good faith consistently Behave with discipline like others Do not behave in a way that is divided to the point of being harassed by others or insulting the group. 6) Titthi Samanayuta respect the opinions of others Adhere to the principles of goodness, reason, and ideals continuously. with 4 participation principles, consisting of 1) Participation in decision-making, 2) Participation in operations, 3) Participation in receiving benefits, 4) Participation in inspection and evaluation.

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How to Cite
Klangpraphan, D., Phrakhrusutaworathammakit, & Panthachai, S. (2023). Public Participation in Village Fund Management Ban Pao Subdistrict Mukdahan Province: Public Participation in Village Fund Management Ban Pao Subdistrict Mukdahan Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 240–253. Retrieved from
Research Article


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