<p><strong> RATANABUTH JOURNAL</strong> ISSN : 2697-6641(Print), ISSN : 2822-0080(Online) this is a 4-month academic journal. (3 issues per year, No. 1 January – April, No. 2 May-August, No. 3 September-December). Objectives to publish research articles and academic articles for researchers, academics, faculty, and students including political science, public administration, applied studies, linguistics, religion, philosophy, law,and other interdisciplinary areas.</p> <p> Articles to be considered for publication to passed the consideration 3 peer reviews in the form of a hearing (Peer-Reviewed) before publishing and was a double blinded assessment. The consideration of publishing articles in both Thai and English.</p> <p> Views and opinions contained in the articles as <strong>RATANABUTH JOURNAL</strong>, it is the responsibility of the author of the article and is not regarded as the viewpoint of the editorial teams as <strong>RATANABUTH JOURNAL</strong>, copyright in not reserved, bur provides references of attribution.</p>en-US