JOURNAL2024-12-31T10:12:39+07:00ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.พิกุล มีมานะjournal26976641@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong> RATANABUTH JOURNAL</strong> ISSN : 2697-6641(Print), ISSN : 2822-0080(Online) this is a 4-month academic journal. (3 issues per year, No. 1 January – April, No. 2 May-August, No. 3 September-December). Objectives to publish research articles and academic articles for researchers, academics, faculty, and students including political science, public administration, applied studies, linguistics, religion, philosophy, law,and other interdisciplinary areas.</p> <p> Articles to be considered for publication to passed the consideration 3 peer reviews in the form of a hearing (Peer-Reviewed) before publishing and was a double blinded assessment. The consideration of publishing articles in both Thai and English.</p> <p> Views and opinions contained in the articles as <strong>RATANABUTH JOURNAL</strong>, it is the responsibility of the author of the article and is not regarded as the viewpoint of the editorial teams as <strong>RATANABUTH JOURNAL</strong>, copyright in not reserved, bur provides references of attribution.</p> the Wisdom of the Sufficiency Economy to Enhance the Sustainable Competitiveness of Outstanding Community Enterprises. Product Processing Group, Roi Et Province2024-05-27T11:24:05+07:00Jirapon Barisripan111jirapon@gmail.comPhongpun Paladechpan111jirapon@gmail.comKritiya Sukpermrakkrit01@hotmail.comThammarat<p>This research the objectives are 1) to study the level of innovation creation of Sufficiency Economy wisdom to strengthen the sustainable competitive potential of outstanding community enterprises. Product processing group in Roi Et Province and 2) to study factors affecting the creation of Sufficiency Economy wisdom innovation. To strengthen the sustainable competitiveness of outstanding community enterprises in the product processing group. Roi Et Province. The sample group included community enterprise members of the Ban Non Sawan Community Rice Center. and members of the Pla Ra Bong Herbal community, a total of 73 people, selected specifically Use questionnaires to collect data. Statistics used in the research include analysis of percentages, means, and standard deviations. Statistics used to test hypotheses include Pearson correlation and multiple prediction.</p> <p>The results showed that<br />1. The level of innovation in Sufficiency Economy wisdom to strengthen the sustainable competitiveness of outstanding community enterprises. Product processing group In Roi Et Province Overall, it is at a moderate level. Ranked from highest to lowest is support from external networks, followed by leadership of the president/head of the community enterprise group. Knowledge management, organization, personnel management and development Participation and social capital<br />2. Factors affecting the creation of Sufficiency Economy wisdom innovation to strengthen the sustainable competitiveness of outstanding community enterprises in the product processing group. Roi Et Province There is a positive relationship at the highest level with the creation of Sufficiency Economy wisdom innovation (Y) with statistical significance at the 0.01 level, with a correlation coefficient of 0.918, namely the participation aspect (X4) and the condition aspect. Leadership of the president/leader of the community enterprise group (X3), with both variables being able to predict 88.30 percent.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL of Working Life of Personnel of the Central Department of Internal Trade2024-08-03T13:20:10+07:00Khaeai Suwanphanukhaeai.s@ku.thPirada<p>The objectives of this research were to study the level of quality of working life among personnel at the Department of Internal Trade (Central Office) and to compare the quality of working life based on personal factors. The sample consisted of 210 personnel from the Central Department of Internal Trade (Central Office). The researcher employed a stratified random sampling method and collected data using questionnaires. Statistical analyses included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA, with statistical significance set at the .05 level.</p> <p>The results indicated that the overall quality of working life of personnel at the Department of Internal Trade (Central Office) was at a moderate level. Hypothesis testing revealed that sample groups differentiated by personal factors such as gender, age, marital status, educational level, personnel type, and salary did not show significant differences in quality of working life. However, sample groups with different lengths of work experience exhibited significant differences in quality of working life at the .05 level.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL influencing Recidivism Drug Abuse among Probationers in Kalasin Province2024-09-14T09:35:47+07:00Amorntep Purichonpituk amorntep.aun@gmail.comSanya Kenaphoomzumsa_17@hotmail.comPhakdee<p>This research aims to (1) study the level of recidivism involving drug abuse among offenders under supervision in Kalasin Province, (2) investigate the factors influencing recidivism involving drug abuse among probationers in Kalasin Province, and (3) propose recommendations for preventing recidivism involving drug abuse among probationers in Kalasin Province. The sample group consists of 184 probationers ordered by the court to undergo supervision for drug-related offenses at the Kalasin Provincial Probation Office. The research utilized Taro Yamane's formula as well as statistical tools including percentages, means, frequencies, standard deviations, and multiple regression analysis.</p> <p>The research findings indicate that (1) the level of recidivism involving drug abuse among probationers in Kalasin Province is moderate. Upon further examination, (2) factors influencing recidivism include personal factors (β = 290), drug potency (β = .270), and socio-environmental factors (β = .164) which collectively predict 46.80% of the variance significantly at the .05 level. Additionally, and (3) recommendations for preventing recidivism involving drug abuse among probationers include raising awareness about the dangers of drug abuse, enhancing drug education in schools and public health agencies, which are crucial factors in preventing and addressing drug-related issues in society. Family and community support play pivotal roles in reducing drug-related problems in society. Strengthening policies and regulations to control the production, import, and distribution of drugs, as well as law enforcement and legal measures to improve drug control, are essential. Moreover, bolstering counseling and treatment services tailored to drug users' needs and establishing effective rehabilitation and recovery systems are crucial for successful intervention.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL of Master Education Program in Educational Administration Graduate School (Revised 2019) Thonburi University2024-08-14T09:19:12+07:00Pathomporn Indrangkura Na Ayudthyadr.pathomporn@gmail.comNitsinee Kuprasertnitsinee@yahoo.comSuthathip<p>The purpose of this research is to evaluate the master education program in educational administration graduate school (Revised 2019) Thonburi University By using the CIPPIEST Model. The total curriculum at population is 212 people, divided into 5 groups: such as graduates, students, instructors, administrators, and stakeholders. Collect research data such as a questionnaire. The data analysis used frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.</p> <p>From the research results it was found that the overall evaluation results were appropriate at a high level (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 4.50, S.D. = 0.64). The Context Evaluation (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 4.69, S.D. = 0.52) and Process Evaluation (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 4.67, S.D. = 0.55) were at the highest level. The suitability assessment results are followed by the Impact Evaluation (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 4.49, S.D. = 0.66), Transportability Evaluation (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 4.48, S.D. = 0.65), Effectiveness Evaluation (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 4.46, S.D. = 0.65), Sustainability Evaluation (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 4.46, S.D. = 0.70), Product Evaluation (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 4.37, S.D. = 0.69) and Input Evaluation (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 4.35, S.D. = 0.73) were at a high level. The Input Evaluation was the aspect with the lowest average.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Leadership of School Administrators Under Development of Learning Encouragement, Education Ministry, Loei Province2024-08-18T10:52:26+07:00Natrada<p>The objectives of this research were (1) to study the level of service-oriented leadership of educational institution administrators (2) to compare the service-oriented leadership of educational institution administrators classified by gender, age, and work experience (3) to study guidelines for Develop service-minded leadership among school administrators. Under the Department of Learning Promotion Ministry of Education, Loei Province. The sample group for this research included 167 school administrators and teachers. The tool is a 5-level estimation questionnaire with a confidence value of 0.959. Statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and statistics that test t-values (t-Test and one-way synthesis of variance (One way ANOVA) to find statistically significant differences, test differences. Average per pair using Scheffe's method.</p> <p>The research results found that<br />1. Service-oriented leadership of educational institution administrators Under the Department of Learning Promotion the Ministry of Education, Loei Province, found that the overall level was at a high level.<br />2. Service-oriented leadership of educational institution administrators Under the Department of Learning Promotion Ministry of Education, Loei Province, classified by gender, age, and work experience. Overall and every aspect is no different.<br />3. Guidelines for developing service-oriented leadership among school administrators Under the Department of Learning Promotion Ministry of Education Loei Province 1) Persuasion Executives should encourage support and cooperate. and participate in work decisions 2) Understanding others Executives should know access and understand the basic characteristics of their subordinates. 3) Listening Executives should listen to information from every department. Give importance to listening without bias. 4) Foresight Executives should understand the past, present and what will happen in the future and 5) shared responsibility Executives should create an understanding of the workload assigned by them to achieve the set goals.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL and student satisfaction with learning support at the College of Law and Government, Sisaket Rajabhat University, for the Academic Year 20212024-08-23T13:56:29+07:00luesak<p>Higher education institutions have four primary missions: producing graduates, conducting research, providing academic services to society, and preserving arts and culture. The successful execution of these missions is crucial for both short-term and long-term national development. To maintain high standards, these institutions must demonstrate their ability to develop knowledge and produce graduates who align with the country's strategic development goals. The learning environment plays a significant role in this process, as a positive atmosphere enhances students' mental health, motivation, and attitudes, leading to more effective learning. This study involved a sample of 291 individuals, including 22 lecturers and 269 students from the College of Law and Administration at Sisaket Rajabhat University during the 2021 academic year. Data were collected using interviews, teacher satisfaction questionnaires, and student learning support questionnaires. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis methods. Results indicated that among the lecturers, 63.6% were male, and 36.4% were associated with the field of Political Science. Among the students, 62.1% were female, with 40.5% studying Political Science. The majority of student respondents were in their second year. Instructor satisfaction with service provision was high (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />=3.68, S.D =0.73). Student satisfaction with learning support was also high (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />=3.87, S.D =0.79). Obstacles: Audiovisual equipment in the classroom is not complete and ready for use. The environment around the building when it rains heavily often has problems with the stairs in front of the building being flooded, making the stairs slippery and risking danger to students and staff. There are few drinking water service points in each classroom. Maintaining the water supply system in the faculty building to meet standards and the faucets are often broken. Supporting items in the classroom, such as computers, microphones, and equipment, should be ready for use. A projection screen should be added in every room where teaching is being taught. Safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers, should be added. There should be a specific room for students to work and consult with teachers outside of class time. I would like the university to prepare teaching documents when the semester starts.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Personnel Performance Motivation Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Local Government Promotion Office2024-09-20T08:28:12+07:00Bunviphar<p>The objectives of this research are 1) to study the level of motivation in the performance of personnel of the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Local Government Promotion Office. 2) To compare the opinions on promoting motivation of Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Local Government Promotion Office personnel according to personal factors such as gender, age, and education. 3) To study opinions and other suggestions to promote the motivation of Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Local Government Promotion Office personnel. Using a mixed research model, namely 1) quantitative research, the population in the study was personnel of the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Local Government Promotion Office. 90 people using a questionnaire. The statistics used in the data analysis include percentages, averages, standard deviations, and other factors. T value testing and one-way comparative analysis of variance.</p> <p>The results showed that the overall motivation for work was very high. When looking at each side, it was found that all aspects were also at a very high level. 2) To compare the opinions and motivations of Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Local Government Promotion Office personnel to classify them according to personal factors. It was found that the level of motivation in overall and individual aspects was not different. 3) Comments and suggestions on the motivation of the personnel of the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Local Government Promotion Office. It was found that self-development should be promoted. In terms of knowledge and skills necessary for the job, such as legal knowledge. Regulations, Rules, and Guidelines for Local Administration on an ongoing basis. Communication skills should be improved. Learn new technologies to increase work efficiency, including the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Local Government Promotion Office to improve the welfare system to be in line with the times. Create a working environment to encourage civil servants to work effectively.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Innovation for Fire Safety and Fire Protection of Plastic Industry in Thailand2024-09-04T09:24:02+07:00Pongsan Chaowsangratm_chaowarit@hotmail.comSupawat<p>The objectives of this research are to describe the management for fire safety and fire protection in terms of ecosystems, problems and innovations. The finding of this qualitative research is from academic documentation, related research and in-depth interviews for four groups: management, expert, government officer and user; for twenty persons. Content analysis is analysis method of this research.</p> <p>The result of research found that organization do incomplete practice according to the law, do not comply with the required standards, and government officers act with omission. In term of problems found that a) Problems of law enforce of government agencies against business organisations, b) improper materials, c) lack of standardised maintenance, d) complexity of risk assessment inspection plan, e) lack of permanent fire man staff, and f) lack of coordination of concerned parties. In term of innovations, this research offers five pillars: ecosystem of organization, laws and standards, fire protection, safety management and process of creating participation.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Efficiency of Non Sila Subdistrict Municipality Employees Non Sila District Khon Kaen Province2024-09-04T09:35:22+07:00Thanadet<p>Non sila Subdistrict Municipality has the authority to administer and manage within the organization according to the law. Currently, there are deficiencies in the operation of Non Sila Municipal employees, which results in inefficient operations as set and may result in the municipality. Unable to implement the development plan and goals. The researcher is a personnel on duty within the Nonsila Sub-district Municipality. Therefore, there is an interest in studying the performance of Non sila Municipality Employees. Non sila District, Khon Kaen Province The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of performance of Nonsila Municipal Employees, Nonsila District, Khon Kaen Province, and 2) to study the opinions and suggestions on the performance of Nonsila Municipal Employees. The tool used in this research was a questionnaire with 3 characteristics: a checklist form, an estimation scale form, and a comment and suggestion form with a confidence value of 0.9555.</p> <p>The results showed that the performance of the employees of Nonsila Sub-district, Nonsila District, Khon Kaen Province was at a high level. When looking at each aspect, it was found that all aspects were also at a high level, in order of average from high to low, as follows: work quality, time, workload, and cost, respectively. Comments and suggestions on the performance of Nonsila Municipal Employees Nonsila District, Khon Kaen Province For example, there should be supervision of the performance of municipal employees by superiors at all levels thoroughly and fairly, including building morale for municipal employees, and municipal employees should transfer knowledge to each other in their work. There is unity and cooperation in work, whether it is the work of duty or not, which will make the work of the municipality successful and the people satisfied, etc.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL affecting the Propagation of Buddhism among the Sanghas in Chiangkhan District, Loei Province2024-09-04T09:46:05+07:00pamorn seelarakpamorn3455@gmail.comPhramahaPongtaratid Sutheero<p>The objectives of this research were 1) to study the concepts and theories of the propagation of Buddhism in the Sangha. 2) to study the factors affecting the propagation of Buddhism among the Sangha in Chiangkhan district, Loei province and 3) to analyze the factors affecting the propagation of Buddhism among the Sangha in Chiangkhan District, Loei province. This research was a qualitative study with descriptive analytics.</p> <p>Findings of this research were as follows:<br />1) A study of the concept and theory of the propagation of Buddhism among the Sangha found that the role of propagation is the main duty of all monks who were directly assigned by the Buddha. Most of the monks have ideas on how to spread the word, including: governance concept and public welfare concept with the traditional propagation method is sermon. 2) A study of the factors affecting the propagation of Buddhism among the Sangha in Chiangkhan District, Loei province, found that in the field of religion, the monks focused on spreading basic Dhamma, focusing on giving alms, keeping the precepts, and praying. The field of religious person: Some monks and novices still have some deficiencies in moral conduct. The field of religious places: Every temple has various religious places that are complete and conducive to propagation. The field of religious ceremonies are suitable for propagating Buddhism through cultural processes and various merit-making traditions in a sustainable manner. And the field of religious objects, the temple has a cabinet for storing Tripitaka books, but they have not been used in the propagation of Buddhism. Religion has not yet been propagated through modern media. 3) From the analysis of factors affecting the propagation of Buddhism among the Sangha in Chiangkhan District, Loei province, which is a national cultural tourist destination, it was found that monks and novices in every temple must receive development from the Sangha Administrative Organization. To be a person who practices good deeds and is respected by the community and propagates Buddhism using the principle of “Bowon”, that is, houses, temples, and government agencies cooperate in unity seriously and continuously.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Education Management via Satellite of Teachers in Small-sized School Under Pathumthani Primary Educational Service Area Office 22024-09-04T12:49:26+07:00Wanida<p>For developing countries, standardizing education was important. Distance education via satellite was important solution to create standards and equality in education provision. This objective of this research was to study the conditions and compare the differences in distance education management via satellite of teacher in small-sized school under Pathumthani primary educational service area office 2, categorized by personal factors. The sample consisted of 90 teachers from small-sized school in Pathumthani primary educational service area office 2. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. The statistical methods employed included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test.</p> <p>The findings revealed that, overall, distance education management via satellite of teacher in small-sized school under Pathumthani primary educational service area office 2 was at a high level. When broken down into specific aspects, the highest mean score was in the context of satellite-based distance education management, while the lowest mean score was in the process of satellite-based distance education management. The hypothesis testing indicated that differences in personal factors did not significantly affect teachers’ opinions on distance education management via satellite of teacher in small-sized school under Pathumthani primary educational service area office 2.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Kite Conservation Management Model: Crafts to Promote Identity in Yangjiabu Village Shandong Province, People's Republic of China2024-09-04T09:42:59+07:00Li Danvivan898@hotmail.comPichai Sodphibansodpichai@hotmail.comThongchuea Khiatthonsvivan898@hotmail.comMathasit Addok<p>With the economy in the Shandong area, the high level is automotive manufacturing. This may cause the business sector to reduce the importance of cultural heritage. Even though the area has been declared by UNESCO as a creative city of handicrafts and folk arts, This problem therefore cannot be overlooked. This research has research objectives. 1) Study the history and analyze the characteristics of Chinese kite handicrafts in Yangjiabu Village. Weiyang City, Shandong Province 2) Analyze the value of kites in Yangjiabu Village. Weiyang City, Shandong Province 3) Propose a sustainable management model for the conservation of kite handicrafts as an identity of Yangjiabu Village. The research method is a mixed method. The qualitative research has studied historical information. Documents from academics Forms of art studied from artists and interview cultural inheritors and 30 local villagers. As for the quantitative research collected data using questionnaires with a sample size of 200 people, and a SWOT analysis was conducted to determine the strategy for creative cultural products in the Yangjiabu Scenic Area.</p> <p>The research results found that The history of the Yangjiabu kite It can be traced back to 549 AD and continued to develop until the Ming Dynasty. There is evidence that kites were made in Yangjiabu Village. Until now kites are not just toys for children. But it is also a symbol of good luck and happiness. which reflects the long tradition of folk art craftsmanship and is an important part of folk culture that has historical, symbolic, aesthetic, academic and economic value. Currently, it is produced with large machines. The number of handmade kite inheritors has gradually decreased, resulting in a shortage of kite inheritors. This is a problem that requires management to protect and preserve the Yangjiabu village's kite craftsmanship. The conservation model therefore creates educational strategies and production processes for youth in the area. Have an understanding of history Open the area for kite flying with the importance of the Yangjiabu wind, Set policies for stakeholders to participate There is an exhibition Seminars on cultural activities in the area and outside the area Use modern technology. </p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Saving Behavior of Employees of the Government Housing Bank, Head Office2024-09-04T12:53:01+07:00Wipabhorn<p>The financial planning of most Thais is still insufficient to support life after retirement. As a result, the risk of "failing to retire" is high, meaning retirees may not have enough money to live on. It is crucial to have a significant amount of savings in order to maintain a reasonable quality of life during retirement. The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the level of retirement saving behavior among employees of the Government Housing Bank, 2) to compare the retirement saving behavior of these employees, categorized by personal factors. The sample group used in this research consists of 310 employees from the Government Housing Bank's headquarters. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. The statistics used in this research include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test.</p> <p>The research findings revealed that the overall level of retirement saving behavior among employees of the Government Housing Bank was high. When considering each aspect, it was found that the highest mean score was in the area of retirement saving methods, while the lowest was in retirement saving planning and allocation. A comparison of retirement saving behavior, categorized by personal factors, showed that employees with different monthly expenses had significantly different retirement saving behaviors at the 0.05 level of statistical significance. No differences were found for other variables.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL of the transition to a circular economy for SMEs2024-09-04T13:26:08+07:00Pattarapon<p>The circular economy represents a $4.5 trillion economic opportunity by reducing waste, stimulating business growth, and creating jobs. Therefore, the transition to a circular economy could boost Thailand's productivity and employment, increasing GDP by approximately 1.2 percent, especially for SMEs. This research has the objective to study the importance of each component of the social pressure variable, economic efficiency economic efficiency and circular economy. The confirmatory factor analysis was used. Data were collected from 400 small and medium-sized business operators in Bangkok and surrounding provinces. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The results of the consistency test were between 0.80-1.00.</p> <p>The results show that the importance of the observed variables from highest to lowest is as follows: Waste generated in the production process is recycled, your business considers the potential environmental impact of the product and production process, the government provides subsidies and tax incentives for operations. Following circular economy guidelines and industry/direct buyers being ready to pay market margins are equally important and the market insists on producing affordable products with a minimum environmental impact. The examination of fit index for the four latent variables overall found that there was a X2 with a value between 266.76 - 973.56, X2/df. has a value of 1.65 - 2.00, passing the specified criteria that must be less than 2.00. The P-value passes the acceptable level. CFI value, NFI, GFI and AGFI have values between 0.98-0.99, passing the specified criteria, which is greater than 0.90, and RMR, RMSEA values have values between 0.050-0.058, passing the specified criteria as well.</p> <p>Recommendations that waste generated in the production process be recycled. Help reduce costs Reduce environmental problems. Reduce investment problems including creating differences in products or services is therefore necessary. Create new and different product formats to create advantages and add value to products and Safe for consumers.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL motivation of employees of local government organizations in Kumphawapi District Udon Thani Province2024-09-08T11:00:44+07:00Samorn Sinthonsamorns112511@gmail.comYupaporn Yupassyupaporn_yu1@yahoo.comSanya<p>Work motivation is a crucial factor that significantly impacts organizational performance, particularly in the context of local administrative organizations (LAOs) that play a vital role in providing public services to local communities. When employees are sufficiently and appropriately motivated, it naturally leads to increased organizational efficiency. This research aims to: 1) study the level of work motivation among employees of local administrative organizations in Kumphawapi District, Udon Thani Province; 2) compare the work motivation of these employees based on differences in gender, education level, position, and department affiliation; and 3) explore approaches to enhancing work motivation within these organizations. The sample consisted of 246 individuals, selected through stratified and simple random sampling methods. The research instrument was a Likert-scale questionnaire, and the data were analyzed using statistical methods such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-tests, and one-way ANOVA.</p> <p>The findings revealed that: 1) the overall level of work motivation among LAO employees in Kumphawapi District, Udon Thani Province, was high; 2) there were no statistically significant differences in work motivation based on gender, education level, position, or department; and 3) strategies for improving work motivation included setting clear and challenging goals with measurable success indicators, encouraging employee feedback, developing clear career advancement plans, adjusting salary structures and benefits to align with labor market standards, promoting communication and collaboration between employees and supervisors, implementing clear policies aligned with the organization's vision and mission, ensuring a safe and comfortable work environment, and fostering transparent management practices.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Affecting High School Students' Perception of the Impact of Kratom Water Consumption in Phayuhakiri District Nakhon Sawan Province2024-09-04T12:56:48+07:00Thaveesak<p>Kratom was reclassified from a Type II narcotic, leading to its increased prevalence among various groups. Despite this, kratom still had significant effects on the body, particularly when there was a lack of knowledge and understanding about it. High school students were considered a vulnerable group that required close monitoring and supervision. The objectives of this study were: 1) to examine the level of awareness regarding the impact of kratom extract consumption among high school students in Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province, and 2) to compare the level of impact of kratom extract consumption on the students' perceptions of its effects. Data were collected from a sample of 400 participants using simple random sampling and a questionnaire. Statistical methods used for data analysis included percentages, frequencies, means, standard deviations, and the F-test.</p> <p>The results of the study indicated that the overall awareness of the impact of kratom extract consumption among high school students in Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province, was high (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 3.85, S.D. = 0.344). When considering individual aspects, the average scores for psychological, family/social, and physical impacts were lower in that order.</p> <p>Hypothesis testing revealed that factors such as gender, age, religion, grade level, academic stream, GPA, monthly expenses, housing status, and family status did not significantly affect the students' perceptions of the impact of kratom extract consumption in Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL of Sangkhahavatthudhamma Principles to Enhance the Quality of Public Service of Waengnang Subdistrict Municipality District Maha Sarakham Province2024-09-10T11:13:05+07:00Phra Athikarn Phaithoon<p>This thesis has the following objectives: 1. To study the level of quality of public services of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. 2. To compare the quality of public services provided by Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. And 3. Presenting guidelines for applying the principles of social welfare to promote the quality of public services of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. A mixed-method research method was used. The quantitative research used a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.902. A sample of 374 people. Data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, t-test, and F-test using one-way analysis of variance and qualitative research by means of in-depth interviews with 12 key informants and by using content analysis techniques with contextual context</p> <p>From the study, the following results were found: 1) The level of public satisfaction with the quality of public services of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province, overall is at a high level. 2) The results of the comparison of people's satisfaction with the quality of public services of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province, with different genders, ages, education levels, monthly incomes, and occupations, were not different in all aspects. Therefore, the research hypothesis was rejected. 3) The results of the analysis of the application of the principles of social welfare to promote the quality of public services of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province, found that promoting and supporting the control, supervision and oversight of the performance of officials in accordance with the principles of good governance by adhering to regulations, laws, rules and guidelines for effective and efficient operations. We must all accept that we Thais are Buddhists. No matter what role you perform, whether as a government agency, a businessman, or a citizen, you must have Buddhist principles to guide you both during and outside of work hours.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL of Service for the Application Line Video Conference Televisit for Prisoners of the Women Correctional Institutions for Drug Addicts2024-09-04T13:00:44+07:00Sunanta Junkasemsunantajun513@gmail.comSanit<p>The video conference televisit was an important option for communication between relatives and inmates. It helped facilitate convenience and safety in the visitation process.The obcective of this research were to: 1) examine the quality of service for the Application Line Video Conference Televisit for prisoners of the Women Correctional Institutions for Drug Addicts, and 2) compare the quality of service for the Application Line Video Conference Televisit categorized by personal factors. Data was collected from a sample of 300 participants using simple random sampling, and a questionnaire was employed as the data collection tool. Statistical methods for data analysis included percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and F-test.</p> <p>The research study found that the quality of service for the Application Line Video Conference Televisit for prisoners of the Women Correctional Institutions for Drug Addicts was, overall, at a moderate level (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 3.32, S.D = .603). When considering each aspect, the highest average was in the area of equity and fairness, followed by timeliness, progress in service improvement, consistency of service, and adequacy and appropriateness, which had the lowest averages.</p> <p>The hypothesis testing revealed that personal factors did not significantly affect the opinions on quality of service for the Application Line Video Conference Televisit for prisoners of the Women Correctional Institutions for Drug Addicts.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL's Participation in Waeng Nang Municipality Community Development Mueang Maha Sarakham District, Maha Sarakham Province2024-09-12T09:22:14+07:00Phra Phanomphon Kalyanadhammo (Chantachit)<p>This research aimed to 1. Study the level of public participation in the development of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province, 2. Compare public participation in the development of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province classified by personal factors, and 3. Study the guidelines for developing public participation in the development of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. Mixed-method research was conducted. The quantitative research used a questionnaire with a reliability value of 0.856 for the entire questionnaire. The sample consisted of 374 people aged 18 and over who were eligible to vote in Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. The data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, t-test, and F-test using the one-way analysis of variance. The qualitative research used in-depth interviews with 12 key informants and descriptive content analysis.</p> <p>From the study, the following results were found: 1. The participation of the people in the development of the Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province, overall is at a high level (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 3.48 S.D. = 0.42). When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in all aspects. 2. The results of the comparison of public participation in community development of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province, classified by gender, showed no difference overall. Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected. When considering each aspect, it was found that people of different genders had no difference in public participation in community development of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality in all aspects. Therefore, the research hypothesis was rejected. And 3. The results of the analysis of the development guidelines for public participation in community development of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province found that local government administration by adjusting the perspective from “customer” to “citizen” who is aware of the rights, freedoms, and duties that people must perform towards society, which are important foundations of governance and public participation in local development.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL of Thai Generation Y Tourists Towards Gastronomy Tourism In San Sai District Area Chiangmai Province2024-09-04T13:12:16+07:00Wanrapa Sittajarnwanraphasitthajarn@gmail.comSaint<p>The objective of this research were to: 1) study the level of motivation for food tourism among Generation Y tourists in San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province; 2) compare the motivation for food tourism among Generation Y tourists in San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province, based on personal characteristics; and 3) compare the motivation for food tourism among Generation Y tourists in San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province, based on tourism behavior. Data were collected from Generation Y tourists who visited 16 restaurants participating in the Lanna Food Culture Project with San Sai Subdistrict Municipality, Chiang Mai Province, through an app, with a total of 400 respondents. The statistical methods used for data analysis included mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test.</p> <p>The research findings indicated that the overall motivation for food tourism among Generation Y tourists in San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province, was at a high level. When examining specific aspects, it was found that motivation related to pull factors was higher than motivation related to push factors.</p> <p>The hypothesis testing revealed that: 1) the motivation for food tourism among Generation Y tourists in San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province, did not differ based on personal characteristics; 2) the motivation for food tourism among Generation Y tourists in San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province, differed based on tourism behavior, with significant differences observed in terms of tourism experience and tourism patterns at the .05 level</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL the Principles of Sanghawatthutham to Enhance the Effectiveness of the Welfare of the Elderly in Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province2024-09-14T09:46:02+07:00Phra Adun Thewatejo (Tanason)<p>This research aims to 1) To study the effectiveness level of the elderly welfare arrangement of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. 2) To study the relationship between the principles of social welfare and the effectiveness of the welfare arrangements for the elderly of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. 3) To study the integration approach of the principles of social welfare to promote the effectiveness of the elderly welfare arrangements of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. Mixed-method research was conducted using quantitative. The sample group consisted of 290 elderly people aged 60 years and over in Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang Maha Sarakham District, Maha Sarakham Province. Data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient and qualitative research by means of in-depth interviews with 12 key informants, analyzing data using content analysis techniques, including context and synthesizing data according to the research objectives.</p> <p>The following results were found: 1) The overall level of effectiveness in providing welfare for the elderly of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province is at a high level (X2= 3.91 S.D. = 0.21). When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in all aspects. 2) The results of the analysis of the relationship between the principles of social welfare and the enhancement of the effectiveness of the provision of welfare for the elderly in Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province, overall, showed a low level of positive relationship (r = .337) with statistical significance at the 0.01 level, therefore, the hypothesis was rejected. 3) The effectiveness of the welfare arrangement for the elderly of Waeng Nang Subdistrict Municipality. The government should promote the elderly to have more access to state welfare, such as in medicine and public health. The government should promote the elderly to have access to the health system to support the aging society. The development of the elderly care model during the rehabilitation period should increase policies or organize training programs to provide knowledge, promote, support, protect and safeguard the elderly to access the welfare system equally and fairly.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Commitment of Employee of Kasikornbank Public Company Limited Khet Phra Nakhon, Bangkok2024-09-12T10:01:05+07:00Saowapa<p>Organizational commitment is vital for encouraging employees to remain with an organization over time. Conversely, when employees feel uncomfortable or dissatisfied with their work and lack commitment, they are likely to leave the organization. This can result in delays, a lack of continuity in operations, and increased recruitment costs. Therefore, it is important to investigate the factors influencing the organizational commitment of employees at Kasikorn Bank in the Phra Nakhon area. This research were to 1) study the level of organizational commitment among employees of Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited in the Phra Nakhon area of Bangkok, and 2) compare the organizational commitment of employees at Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited in the Phra Nakhon area of Bangkok, categorized by personal factors. Data was collected from 184 employees of Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited in the Phra Nakhon area, with a sample size of 140 individuals selected through simple random sampling. The statistical analysis employed in this research utilized one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). If significant statistical differences are found, pairwise comparisons of the means will be conducted using the LSD</p> <p>Overall, the organizational commitment of employees at Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited in the Phra Nakhon area is at a moderate level. When analyzed by dimension, it was found that the highest average score was in the dimension of continuity, followed by the dimension of social norms and the dimension of feelings, respectively. Additionally, it was found that employees at Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited in the Phra Nakhon area, who have different personal characteristics in terms of gender, age, average monthly income, and duration of employment, exhibit statistically significant differences in organizational commitment at the .05 level.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL affecting the performance of duties of community development volunteers in Sam Chai District Kalasin Province2024-09-14T10:44:07+07:00Sirinthip Yothuangmeawsirinthip23@gmail.comSaowalak Kosonkittiumpornmeawsirinthip23@gmail.comSanya<p>This research study has the objectives: 1) to study the level of duty performance of community development volunteers in the Sam Chai District, Kalasin Province; 2) to study the factors affecting the duty performance of community development volunteers in the Sam Chai District, Kalasin Province; and 3) to study the recommendations concerning the factors affecting the duty performance of community development volunteers in the Sam Chai District, Kalasin Province. The sample group consisted of 119 community development volunteers, determined using Taro Yamane’s formula. The research tools included a rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, frequency, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis.</p> <p>The research results revealed that: 1) the overall level of duty performance of community development volunteers in the Sam Chai District, Kalasin Province, was high; 2) the factors affecting the duty performance of community development volunteers in the Sam Chai District, Kalasin Province, included motivation factors, servant leadership factors, and government support factors. The multiple correlation coefficient was .733, which collectively explained 53.70% of the variance with statistical significance at the .05 level; and 3) the recommendations Resources should be allocated adequately to support the work of community development volunteers, including reviewing compensation and increasing appropriate benefits. Additionally, it is important to promote adherence to democratic principles by asking for the public's needs and allowing them to express their opinions in community development. Organizing volunteer activities within the community to develop various aspects collaboratively with community members will enhance cooperation in the development process. Emphasis should also be placed on developing the leadership skills of community development volunteers by fostering a clear vision, enhancing effective communication skills, and encouraging community participation sustainably.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Participation in Managing Slow Tourism in the Area of Nan Province2024-09-14T11:26:04+07:00Sakrit Pukkhamsakrit_j@hotmail.comSanit<p>Participation is an opportunity of people to share the idea for planning, decision making, working and taking responsibility for a project or an activity in community, village or sub-district in order to improve life quality of people in community. The purposes of this research to study the level of public participation in organizing leisurely surfing in the area of nan province and to compare public participation in organizing leisurely surfing in the area of nan province. The Classified according to personal characteristic factors data were collected from 400 people in nan province. Statistics were used to test hypotheses including statistical for research frequency, percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, t-test and F - test by one way analysis of variance (One-Way ANOVA), and Least Significant Difference (LSD).</p> <p>The result of this research found that 1) The people are involved in organizing leisure travel in the nan province area, the overall level was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the most average aspect is operational aspect, followed by monitoring and evaluation, finding the cause of problems, planning, and receiving benefits. 2) The respectively and comparisons of the level of participation in organizing leisure travel in the area of nan province. Classifying personal characteristics factors found that people with occupations education level length of residence in the community and membership in clubs or organizations differ participate in organized leisure travel in the area of nan province, the difference is statistically significant at the .05 level, which is in line with the assumptions that were set. In addition no significant difference in personal factors such as gender, age, and average monthly income.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL the Mediation Mechanism of Job Satisfaction, Job Attractiveness and Job Effort on Innovative Work Behavior: The Perspective of Psychological Capital2024-09-14T11:05:15+07:00Kittapas Satruleekittapas120@gmail.comPanuschagone<p>This study aims to 1) study the level of Psychological Capital, Job Satisfaction, Job Attractiveness, Job Effort and Innovative Work Behavior 2) Study the influence of Psychological Capital effect to Innovative Work Behavior Through Job Satisfaction, Job Attractiveness and Job Effort. by using quantitative research methods, with a questionnaire as an online data collection tool for 459 copy by the sample group used in this research included people working in information technology and research and development departments. The research results found that the level of opinions of all variables was at a high level. The results of the structural equation testing had a consistency detection index value that passed the criteria. It has a direct and positive influence on the job satisfaction, job interest, job effort and innovative work behavior of the personnel. With the mediating variables of job satisfaction, job interest, and job effort, the structural equation could explain the variances of job satisfaction , innovative work behavior, job interest, and job effort at 90.4, 84.7, 75.2, and 60.9 percent, respectively.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Management Effectiveness of Nawatwithi OTOP Tourism Community in Mueang District Area Sakon Nakhon Province2024-09-14T13:15:39+07:00Apinya Phanthasaemmy-c@hotmail.comAnan<p>OTOP Nawatwithi is the name of a tourism community project aimed at driving national development according to the Thai Popular Sustainable Project, with the goal of generating income, prosperity, and economic strength through collaboration between the private and public sectors. This research aimed to 1) study the effectiveness of tourism community management and 2) to compare the effectiveness of management in the Nawatwithi OTOP Tourism Community in Mueang District, Sakon Nakhon Province, classified according to community characteristics. The research employed a survey approach, using a questionnaire distributed to 54 community leaders in Sakon Nakhon Province. The statistical tools used in the analysis included mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way analysis of variance. When differences were found, pairwise testing was performed using the LSD method.</p> <p>The results of this research revealed that: 1) The community was overall effective in managing the OTOP Nawatwithi tourism community at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the management of the tourism community was most effective in terms of adaptation, followed by efficiency, production, and development, all of which were rated at a high level, while satisfaction was rated at a moderate level. 2) When comparing the effectiveness of management in OTOP Innovative Community Tourism, classified by community type, it was found that the effectiveness of management varied according to the type of OTOP Innovative Community Tourism. Differences in the aspect of adaptation were statistically significant at the .05 level, supporting the hypothesis.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Management of She Ethnic Patterns in Rural Revitalization under perspective on the Formation of Model for Promotion Cultural Heritage2024-09-16T13:09:30+07:00Zheng zhijiavivan898@hotmail.comPichai Sodphibansodpichai@hotmail.comMathasit<p>The objectives of this study are to study the history, heritage and development of the She ethnic cultural pattern in southwest Zhejiang Province, collect and analyze the relevant resources of the construction of the She ethnic rural culture and the strategic management application in southwest Zhejiang Province, and to study the strategic management guidelines supporting the construction and application of the She ethnic rural culture in southwest Zhejiang Province. The research methodology is a combination of field research and literature research, literature research and questionnaire surveys, semi-structured interviews or questionnaires. The research results show that the creative culture and tourism, which show that the application of the management pattern has brought new economic growth to the local villages, and improved the income level of the residents. The analysis and collection of resources results in the application of local resources to the She ethnic lifestyle, which has a positive impact on the ecological environment in the process of rural revitalization. The strategic management of the protection of intangible cultural heritage, the She ethnic pattern, is an important element in the protection of culture in the process of rural revitalization, and plays an important role, especially cultural centers and museums, which play an important role in cultural communication. This shows that the application and protection of the She ethnic pattern has brought new opportunities for the protection of the She ethnic intangible cultural heritage by local cultural centers and museums. The awareness of the protection of the She ethnic intangible cultural heritage by local residents is increased. Therefore, the relevant areas should consider the possible role of the She ethnic pattern. In the process of rural culture construction in rural revitalization planning, strengthen the training of inheritors and practitioners of the She ethnic style, and strengthen the lecture series on the She ethnic style to promote better participation in the construction of rural culture. </p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Development Strategies to Enhance Personnel Performance Efficiency Mahamakut Buddhist University2024-09-20T08:24:18+07:00Amorn Ueakitamorn.mk25@gmail.comPhrametheewatcharaphornamorn.mk25@gmail.comBanjong Lawaleepuysound1@hotmail.comWongchanok Jumrearnsanamorn.mk25@gmail.comChatchai<p>The objectives of this research were 1) to study the components and indicators of competency development strategies to enhance personnel performance efficiency Mahamakut Buddhist University. 2) To examine the structural validity and structural reliability of the components and indicators for to development strategies to enhance personnel performance efficiency Mahamakut Buddhist University, and 3) to create a strategic model of competency development to enhance the performance of personnel of Mahamakut Buddhist University. The sample in this research consists of personnel from Mahamakut Buddhist University, totaling 165 individuals. The research instrument used is a questionnaire, and the statistical methods for data analysis include mean, standard deviation, and confirmatory factor analysis.</p> <p>The research results were as follows:1) the components and indicators of the study of components and indicators of competency development to enhance the work performance of personnel of Mahamakut Buddhist University consisted of 5 components: social responsibility, working smart, unity, creativity, and morals. 2) The results of the assessment of the structural validity and reliability of the components and indicators for developing competencies to enhance the performance efficiency of personnel at Mahamakut Buddhist University indicate that all 5 components and 20 indicators are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. The model has a structural reliability of 0.924, which is greater than 0.60, indicating that the model is consistent and suitable for the empirical data. 3) Strategic model of competency development to enhance efficiency of personnel work of Mahamakut Buddhist University using systems theory as follows: 1) Input factors, comprising the current status of personnel work of Mahamakut Buddhist University, 2) Process, using competency development according to PIE framework, namely: (1) Performance (2) Improvement (Development) (3) Enhancement (Enhancement) by integrating the principle of Iddhipada 4, which means the path to success, which has 4 important components, namely: (1) Chanta (2) Viriya (3) Chitta (4) Wimams. Output factors is the strategic model of competency development to enhance efficiency of personnel work of Mahamakut Buddhist University.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Affecting on Learning Organization of Strategy and Evaluation Department2024-10-01T09:36:12+07:00krittanai<p>The purpose of this research was to: 1) study the level of learning organization in the Strategic and Evaluation Office, 2) compare the learning organization based on personal characteristics, and 3) examine the factors affecting the learning organization of the Strategic and Evaluation Office. Data was collected from civil servants working in the Strategic and Evaluation Office, totaling 150 individuals. The statistics used for data analysis included percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests, F-tests, and multiple regression analysis.</p> <p>The research results indicated that the Strategic and Evaluation Office was recognized as a learning organization at a high level overall. When considering individual aspects, the dimension with the highest average was the system thinking aspect, followed by the shared vision aspect, the thinking framework aspect, the knowledgeable individual aspect, and team learning, in that order. The comparison results revealed that personnel in the Strategic and Evaluation Office with differing ages and average monthly incomes exhibited significant differences in their status as a learning organization, with a statistical significance level of .01. Additionally, the factor of human resource development could collectively explain 8.5% of the learning organization status in the aspect of being knowledgeable individuals (Adj. R² = 0.085) with statistical significance at the .01 level.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Management of Social Innovation Method of Public Service Product System in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China2024-09-16T13:14:44+07:00Xue Bomuvivan898@hotmail.comPichai Sodphibansodpichai@hotmail.comMathasi Addok<p>The objectives of this study are to study the history of social innovation methods in the participation of public service product system in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, to collect and analyze the strategic management indicators of social innovation methods in the participation of public service product system in Shenyang, and to guide the strategic management of social innovation methods in the participation of public service product system in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Through literature review, questionnaire survey, in-depth interview and case study, the current situation and challenges of Shenyang's urban public service product system and the practical application of social innovation are systematically analyzed. The results of the study show that the participatory design method of social innovation has significant application value in Shenyang's urban public service system, which can promote the improvement of public service quality to the satisfaction of residents or service recipients, and promote the sustainable development of the city through social innovation and strategic management, which will have tangible impact on the future development.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL of English Vocabulary Learning Achievement of Grade 4 Students at Anuban Yasothon School, Yasothon Province During the Covid-19 Outbreak by Using Google Lens with Vocabulary Practice Sets Using Peer Learning Activities2024-09-24T11:09:01+07:00Rungravee<p>This study aimed to 1) compare the students’ English vocabulary learning achievement before and after learning, 2) study the students’ satisfaction with learning by this method, and 3) study the students’ vocabulary retention. The sample group consisted of 117 fourth-grade students selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires and tests. The statistics used in the research were mean, standard deviation, and an experimental design using a single group design before and after the experiment.</p> <p>The results of the study found that 1) the students’ vocabulary learning achievement after learning was higher than before learning in all three academic years, 2) the students had a very high level of satisfaction with the learning methods used in all three years, and 3) the students had vocabulary retention. In summary, the development of English vocabulary learning of fourth-grade students at Anuban Yasothon School, Yasothon Province. During the COVID-19 outbreak by using Google Lens with a set of vocabulary practice with peer-to-peer learning activities showed that the students had higher vocabulary learning achievement after learning than before learning, had the highest level of learning satisfaction, and were able to remember the vocabulary even after 14 days of learning.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Analytical Study of the Value of Tradition Merit of Heet Sibsong2024-09-26T14:57:38+07:00Phra Taweesap Upasanto (Chomchaypol)<p>The objective of this thesis were: 1) To study the tradition merit of Heet Sibsong. 2) To study the value the tradition merit of Heet Sibsong. 3) To analytical the value of the tradition merit of Heet Sibsong. This is documentary research.</p> <p>The research results found that the tradition merit of the Heet Sibsong is a merit-making ceremony that is performed every month of the year and has been passed down continuously by combining the culture, traditions, and beliefs of Buddhism, Brahmanism, and beliefs in ghosts, spirits, spirits, guardian angels, and sacred things. It has an influence on the way of life of the Isan people from birth to death. The importance of the tradition merit of the Heet Sibsong is to learn about the purpose of the merit-making ceremony, various practices for a good and happy and prosperous way of life and to conserve it. The value of social relationships and the way of life of the villagers who live together with mutual assistance and support. It creates social relationships and practices that affect the family, along with cultivating and nurturing the mind so that children grow up to be good people with morality. The relationship between the home and the temple which is the center, the spirit, the venue for the event, and the relationship between ethics and aesthetics, thoughts, and practices. The components of the religious ceremony play an important role in helping to promote, namely, creating a mental feeling for stability and safety that can continue living, creating value in terms of aesthetics and ethics in the role of a mental feeling that is stable and safe, being a tool of society, preserving, enjoying beauty and the role of local arts and culture.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL of Creative Cultural Tourism in Hin Khon Subdistrict,Lam Plai Mat District, Buriram Province2024-10-28T09:34:20+07:00thanyarat<p>Hin Khon Community, Lamplai Mat District, Buriram Province is a community with diverse tourism potential in nature. Culture, Antiquities and Wisdom Engaging Activities The involvement of people in the community and government agencies to help promote and develop creative cultural tourism is an important mechanism in cultural tourism management. Therefore, the objectives of the research are 1) to study the potential of cultural tourism sites in Hin Khon sub-district and 2) to analyze the mechanism of creative cultural tourism in Hin Khon sub-district. The main informants are stakeholders in creative cultural tourism. 1 picture of 29 people, including religious leaders, community leaders, village sages, People in the community Culture of Buriram Province Ban Hin Khon School and Hin Khon Sub-district Administrative Organization The research tools are interviews and group discussions.</p> <p>The results show that the potential of Ban Hin Khon tourist attractions consists of 1) resources, 2) facilities, 3) access to tourist attractions, 4) community participation, 5) management, and 6) community tourism activities. Tourism management, benefit allocation, tourism monitoring and evaluation. Therefore, the participation of people in the community has created a creative cultural tourism mechanism. Hin Khon Subdistrict R = Resources is the community's resources that attract tourists to visit, including tourist attractions and wisdom of the Hin Khon community, A = Activity is the wisdom that the community brings to the community as a learning activity with practical experience, C = Creative is the development of creative potential through tourism activities, P = Public participation is the management of tourism with the participation of the public sector, and A = Agency support is the support from government agencies.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL for Developing the Performance of Police Stations under of Provincial Police Region 42024-10-02T14:44:53+07:00Nattawit Ratchakaewratchakaewnattawit@gmail.comPakdee Phosingeliti_pana@hotmail.comSanya<p>The police are the unit responsible for the safety of people’s lives and property, which must drive the work to achieve the results for the people and the goals of the government and the Royal Thai Police. The research phase 1 aimed to 1) study the level of performance results of police stations and 2) analyze the causal factors of the structural equation model for the development of performance results of police stations. The sample group consisted of 380 police officers. The research instrument was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire. The data were analyzed using statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, structural equation model (SEM) analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Phase 2 research to create and confirm the model for developing the performance of police stations consisted of 1) drafting the model from the research results in phase 1, from the critique by 9 experts through focus group discussions, using the results of the group discussions to improve, and confirming the model through a connoisseurship seminar to confirm the appropriateness of the model. The target population was 20 police administration experts through purposive sampling. Data analysis used content analysis, mode, median, and interquartile range.</p> <p>The research results found that: <br />1. The overall performance of police stations under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Police Region 4 was at a high level. When separated into each aspect, it was found that all aspects were at a high level.<br />2. The causal factors of the structural equation model for the development of the performance of police stations under the Provincial Police Region 4 are consistent with the empirical data. Considering the chi-square value, it is not statistically significant (x<sup>2</sup>/df = 1.596). The CFI value, the comparative fit index, is equal to .974. The Tucker-Lewis Index is equal to .949. When considering the parameter estimation error (RMSEA) of 0.042 and the root mean square of the standard error (SRMR) of 0.031, it was found that all causal factors can directly and indirectly influence the performance of police stations under the Provincial Police Region 4.<br />3. The model of the development of the performance of police stations under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Police Region 4 by experts (Connoisseurship) found that the model was very consistent (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />=Median =4.80, IR =0.24, Mod =4.84, Mo-Mdn =0.04), consisting of relationship development, transformational leadership development, workforce development, and development of police policy implementation as community servants. The model of the development of the performance of police stations under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Police Region 4 is called the “PoLICE MODEL”.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Factors That Influence the Operations of the Gem and Jewelry Export Business in the New Normal Era in the Post-covid-19 World2024-10-02T20:03:36+07:00Nattaporn Prangngamplengmanagement.businessbkk@gmail.comLaddawan<p>Strategic Factors Influencing the Operations of the Gem and Jewelry Export Business in the New Normal Era in the Post-COVID-19 World. This research aims to 1. To test the consistency of the model measuring external and internal latent variables of strategic factors influencing the operations of gemstone and jewelry export businesses in the New Normal era in the post-COVID-19 world. 2. To test the research hypothesis on strategic factors influencing the operations of gemstone and jewelry export businesses in the New Normal era in the post-COVID-19 world. This research is quantitative, using questionnaires collected from a sample group of 400 employees and executives from gem and jewelry export businesses. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, which included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, along with structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the model, after adjustments, showed that it aligned with empirical data based on the conceptual framework and theories used.</p> <p>The research findings on strategic factors influencing the operations of the gem and jewelry export business in the New Normal era in the post-COVID-19 world revealed that the goodness-of-fit index (GFI) and the adjusted goodness-of-fit index (AGFI) were 0.96 and 0.93, respectively, which are higher than 0.82 and approach 0.79. The RMSEA value was 0.013, which is less than 0.086.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Model for Promoting the Health of the Elderly to Sustainable Standards. A Case Study of the Elderly in Nong Tat Subdistrict. Mueang Buriram District Buriram Province2024-09-30T14:21:43+07:00Thanapat Wichairamsathaporn_v@gmail.comPattarapong<p>The research is intended for 1) to study the effectiveness of the health promotion policy of the elderly. 2) To study the factors that influence the policy form of promoting health of the elderly. 3) To create a policy model for promoting the health of the elderly to reach the standards. And 4) to suggest the policy form of promoting health of the elderly. The four variables are defined: 1) the strengthening of physical health, 2) the strengthening of mental health, 3) the strengthening of social health, and 4) the strengthening of intellectual health by gender, age, status, and average income per month. A specific sample of 50 senior high school seniors and 10 in-depth interviews with policy makers. The tools used to collect statistical query data used to analyze data include percentage, average and standard deviations, and public forums and group discussions (Focus Group Discussion) in conjunction with the target audience using SWOT analysis techniques.</p> <p>Research results showed that 1) The effectiveness of the health promotion policy of the elderly showed that overall level (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 4.11, S.D. = 0.34) 2) Factors influencing the Elderly Policy Standard have found that the policy strategy connects the role of the Elderly in being the core of driving community members to restore the quality of the Elderly Mind in self-reliance and health in accordance with the age and disease. 3) The policy form suggestion of promoting elderly health has been found to provide assistance or career promotion and should provide assistance in facilitating the transfer of elderly people to study in the elderly center.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL quality of the prison welfare shop in Maha Sarakham Provincial Prison2024-10-30T10:45:08+07:00Sirasith Juoisasmankesi63@gmail.comSaovalak Kosonkittiumporn saovalakkk@hotmail.comSanya<p>The services provided by prison welfare shops play a vital role in supporting the rehabilitation and adjustment of inmates. These services help foster positive attitudes towards society, which ultimately influences inmates’ reintegration and their ability to lead meaningful lives after release. This study aims to: 1) assess the quality of services provided by the prison welfare shop in Maha Sarakham Provincial Prison, 2) compare the service quality based on gender, age, and length of incarceration, and 3) gather recommendations for improving the shop’s services. This quantitative study sampled 335 inmates at Maha Sarakham Provincial Prison, utilizing a questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.932. Statistical analyses included frequency distribution, percentages, means, standard deviation, t-tests, and one-way ANOVA.</p> <p>The findings revealed that: 1) the overall service quality of the welfare shop was rated at a moderate level (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 2.61, S.D. = 0.24), 2) perceptions of service quality varied significantly by gender, age, and length of incarceration at a 0.05 level of statistical significance, and 3) recommendations included ensuring adequate stock to meet demand, providing feedback mechanisms for inmates, offering a wider variety of brands for similar products, and selecting courteous, service-minded inmates as shop staff.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Influencing Pro-Environmental Behavior of Tanning Factory's Employees in Samut Prakan Province2024-10-14T17:59:35+07:00kemin sirisuwankitwin18671@gmail.comAmarin<p>The leather tanning industry has significant environmental impacts, and tannery workers are an integral part of this industry that contributes to these effects. Therefore, tannery employees should actively participate in promoting environmentally conservation behaviors. This research aims to study: 1) the level of environmental awareness, environmental attitudes, environmental knowledge, and pro-environmental behaviors, 2) the influence of environmental awareness and environmental knowledge on environmental attitudes, and 3) the influence of environmental awareness, environmental knowledge, and environmental attitudes on the pro-environmental behaviors of tannery workers in the tannery industrial zone of Samut Prakan Province. This is a quantitative research study. The sample group consists of 280 tannery workers from the industrial zone in Samut Prakan Province, selected through convenience sampling. Data were analyzed using percentage, frequency distribution, correlation analysis of independent variables, and structural equation modeling (SEM).</p> <p>The results showed that environmental awareness had a positive influence on environmental attitudes (β = 0.746) at a statistically significant level (p < 0.01). Environmental knowledge had a positive but not statistically significant influence on environmental attitudes (β = -0.016, p > 0.05). Environmental awareness had a positive influence on pro-environmental behaviors (β = 0.211) at a statistically significant level (p < 0.05). Environmental knowledge had a positive influence on pro-environmental behaviors (β = 0.577) at a statistically significant level (p < 0.01). Environmental attitudes had a positive but not statistically significant influence on pro-environmental behaviors (β = 0.047, p > 0.05) In summary, environmental awareness and knowledge have a significant influence on pro-environmental behaviors.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Collaboration in a New Dimension: Essential Needs for Enhancing Educational Quality in Medium-Sized Basic Education Institutions2024-10-25T10:53:59+07:00Direk Thachamadirekthachama@gmail.comTuan Tongkeodirekthachama@gmail.comSupaporn<p>The problems faced by medium-sized educational institutions involve the management of teaching and the development of educational quality. Several factors impact these issues, including a shortage of resources, such as an insufficient number of teachers and budget constraints. Additionally, there has been a decline in student enrollment. Therefore, development requires collaboration from all sectors to strengthen the educational institutions. The purpose of this research were to study: 1) the current state and the expected state for the development of educational quality in medium-sized educational institutions at the basic education level, 2) the needs for the development of educational quality in medium-sized educational institutions at the basic education level. The research is divided into two phases: Phase 1 focuses on studying the current situation and the desired situation to enhance the quality of education in medium-sized educational institutions at the basic education level. Phase 2 investigates the necessary requirements for improving the quality of education in these institutions. The research employs a quantitative approach, with a sample consisting of 222 school administrators and 370 teachers, totaling 592 participants, selected through stratified random sampling. The data collection tool used is a questionnaire, which has an Item Objective Congruence (IOC) value ranging from 0.60 to 1.00. The statistical methods used for data analysis include mean, standard deviation, and priority needs index (PNI Modified) for ranking the necessary requirements. And Matrix Analysis.</p> <p>The research findings indicate that 1) the current situation is at a level needing improvement (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 3.43, S.D.=.154) the overall desired situation is at a high level (<img id="output" src="\bar{}" alt="equation" />= 4.55, S.D. = .385). 2)Concerning the necessary requirements for enhancing the quality of education in these institutions, it was found that the overall necessity level has a PNI Modified =0.32. The needs are ranked from highest to lowest as follows: Management, Material, Man, and Money. And the results of the Matrix Analysis indicate that the strengths of the institution are in quadrant 2 across all four areas.</p> <p>The quality of education is at a moderate level, while expectations are high, indicating a clear need for development. Key factors include people, finance, materials, and management. Additionally, it is essential to establish a network of collaboration among educational institutions and promote the use of technology for modern development</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Comparison of Learning Outcomes in Basic Accounting 2: Recording Goods Transactions in a General Journal with and without VAT Using Problem-Solving versus Conventional Teaching Methods for First-Year Vocational Certificate Students2024-09-08T11:06:43+07:00Nunticha Pudjaiyotok2029@gmail.comKajornatthapol Pongwiritthontok2029@gmail.comSuttipong Thumtheangtok2029@gmail.comTidarat Samanpantok2029@gmail.comPichai Lamanchaitok2029@gmail.comWadaporn<p>Within accounting education, refining pedagogical approaches is vital to improving academic performance. Problem-solving methodologies, widely adopted in mathematics, offer substantial enhancements to critical thinking, decision-making, and analytical abilities. This study examines learning outcomes in accounting courses by comparing problem-solving techniques with traditional teaching methods, aiming to better prepare students for future professional challenges. This research aimed to 1) To compare the learning achievement in Basic Accounting 2: Recording Sales Transactions in General Journals, with and without Value Added Tax, among first year Higher Vocational Certificate students before and after instruction using the problem-solving teaching method. 2) To compare the learning achievement in Basic Accounting 2: Recording Sales Transactions in General Journals, with and without Value Added Tax, among first year Higher Vocational Certificate students before and after instruction using the traditional teaching method. 3) To compare the learning achievement in Basic Accounting 2: Recording Sales Transactions in General Journals, with and without Value Added Tax, among first year Higher Vocational Certificate students taught using the problem-solving teaching method versus the traditional teaching method. 4) To compare the satisfaction of first year Higher Vocational Certificate students with the learning experience in Basic Accounting 2: Recording Sales Transactions in General Journals, with and without Value Added Tax. The sample consisted of 60 first year Higher Vocational Certificate students in Room 2 of the Digital Marketing Program, Semester 1, Academic Year 2024 at Thai-Asia Technology College, selected through two-stage random sampling. Two classrooms were randomly selected and subsequently assigned as the experimental group and the control group, each comprising 30 students. The research instruments included 1) a learning management plan employing the problem-solving teaching method, 2) a learning management plan employing the conventional teaching method, 3) an academic achievement test with a reliability coefficient of 0.846, and 4) a learning satisfaction questionnaire. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and t-test statistics. The findings revealed that 1) academic achievement in both the problem-solving and conventional teaching methods improved significantly after instruction, at the 0.05 significance level 2) academic achievement was significantly higher with the problem-solving method compared to the conventional method, at the 0.05 significance level and 3) student satisfaction was significantly higher with the problem-solving method than with the conventional method, at the 0.05 significance level.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Competencies of Blingo Chinese Platform Novice Teachers in Online Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language2024-09-16T11:52:24+07:00Ruyuan shi381249028@qq.comSupinda<p>As a result of COVID-19 worldwide, countries around the world have been affected to varying degrees. The shift from offline to online teaching Chinese as a foreign language course, many teaching Chinese as a foreign language teacher has little or no experience on online teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The aim of this research was to understand the teachers’ competencies of 265 novice teachers of online teaching Chinese as a foreign language on the Blingo Chinese Platform as well as their views on online teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. Using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, this research explored the views of novice teachers of online teaching Chinese as a foreign language as well as teachers’ competencies.</p> <p>The research found that novice teachers agreed with online teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and that teaching experience and online teaching experience influenced novice teachers’ views to a certain extent. In addition, the research found the competencies that novice teachers on the Blingo Chinese Platform should have were, for instance, knowledge of Chinese culture, basic knowledge of Chinese language, knowledge of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, classroom organization and management competencies, observation, adaptability, and generalization competencies. The findings showed that novice teachers should maintain an enthusiastic teaching outlook and needed to keep learning relevant knowledge to improve themselves and create a favorable teaching environment. Novice teachers need to strengthen their professional knowledge and theories, participate in relevant teaching training, increase the opportunities to communicate with colleagues, and learn classroom skills from excellent teachers.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Protection and Inheritance of Cuotaiji in Guizhou China and the Integration of Contemporary Drama2024-09-16T13:22:17+07:00Xu Wei237825215@qq.comManusak Reangdet237825215@qq.comChawalit<p>To conserve and prevent loss and it is historical research with actual fieldwork. The research results found that: the development of human civilization, culture is the backbone of a nation and the profound accumulation of national history. How to protect and inherit those precious cultural heritages has become the unshirkable responsibility of the academic community and creators. Cuotaiji, a Yi ethnic group in Guizhou Province, China, is a treasure that was included in the first batch of China's intangible cultural heritage list in 2006. The application of intangible cultural heritage is to slow down the loss of this culture and take effective protection measures. After field investigation, the author found that the protection, inheritance and promotion of Cuotaiji in Guizhou, China has weak publicity, insufficient popularity and influence, and insufficient investment, which makes it difficult for inheritors and villagers who learn Cuotaiji to survive; the inheritors have outdated inheritance ideas and lack of professional talents to organize and coordinate; in order to solve these problems, the author studied the history and traditional characteristics of Cuotaiji in Guizhou, China, the current situation and innovative methods of protection and inheritance, and the integration with modern drama, and proposed some innovative protection and promotion strategies. First, innovate the costume shape of Cuotaiji, retaining national elements while combining modern materials and aesthetics. Secondly, try to experiment with local characteristics and Mandarin versions in the lines to promote the spread of Cuotaiji. Finally, from the creative level, we will integrate Cuotaiji with modern drama, which will not only protect inheritance but also realize innovative promotion. With an innovative spirit and an open vision, we will contribute to the protection and inheritance of our country's intangible cultural heritage. Let these cultural treasures shine more brilliantly in the new era.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL of Local Arts and Culture in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges2024-09-14T11:29:40+07:00Phra Thep Wachirawimol (Sayun Panyawajiro)<p>The academic article aims to reflect the significance of preserving local arts and culture in the digital era, a topic of utmost importance today, as digital technology plays a transformative role in reshaping lifestyles and cultures globally. This article focuses on studying the opportunities and challenges related to the preservation of local arts and culture through digital technology. The use of digital media facilitates broader dissemination of cultural heritage, making it more accessible to the public. For instance, the preservation and distribution of information online, the presentation of art through applications or virtual platforms, and the sustainable survival of local arts and culture in the modern era. However, these transformations also bring several challenges, such as the distortion of cultural information, the tension between traditional customs and new technologies, and the risk of losing cultural values due to commercialization in digital media. Therefore, the article proposes a conceptual framework that integrates traditional conservation with digital innovation, offering solutions to effectively address these issues and to restore and preserve local arts and culture. The article also suggests that stakeholders, including communities, artists, and the government, should collaborate to appropriately apply technology to ensure that the preservation of local arts and culture can proceed in a balanced and relevant manner in accordance with contemporary times.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Generation and Innovation in Campaigning2024-06-22T10:30:23+07:00Kanyaphat khunarsappya27@hotmail.comSanya<p>In an era where technology and the internet play an important role in daily life. Political methods must also adapt to change. Traditional campaigning that has been used for a long time, such as holding campaign rallies in various locations. distributing flyers or advertising through print media It has been challenged by the advent of digital media and the prevalence of social media. The digital generation, which consists of young people who grew up with information technology. It is becoming an increasingly influential group of voters. Campaigning in this era cannot ignore the use of digital media anymore. This, along with behaviors and interests that are different from those of previous generations, affects the campaigning styles of political parties that need to be adjusted to be in line with this context. To effectively attract votes from the new generation Adjusting campaign innovations to suit the new generation It will help political parties reach their target groups more effectively. Increase your chances of getting votes from the new generation. and lead to election victory as follows: 1) Using social media An important platform for campaigning Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok 2) Online Advertising Targeting Strategy 3) Video and Live Streaming Real-time connections 4) Using chatbots and AI, effective communication 5) Creating engaging social media profiles 6) Creating viral content Digital campaigning It is an effective tool to reach the target audience. Communicate policy and mobilize support.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL base Exercise2024-08-29T11:23:32+07:00Thanyaluk Posriatiyaposri@gmail.comKittiphong Phontipkittiphontip1987@hotmail.comKirananan Sonthithamkirananan@hotmail.comWiwin<p>Exercise is health promotion to increase physical strength. Taking into the frequency of 3-5 times per week, intensity using heart rate as the main goal, times take 20-60 minutes and the type is aerobic exercise. However, we should exercise continuously. And promote it in relation to the local context and the need of exercisers. In this article, the authors present Wisdom base Exercise. This can be done by exercise according to the principles of sports wisdom, using wisdom as poses soundtracks and equipment for exercising and using that in a hybrid way. However, they should assess the needs of the exerciser and costs within the local context, to design appropriate exercise.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Management of Universities in Thailand2024-09-07T10:46:14+07:00Pallop Yodsurangbluessky28@gmail.comThitima<p>A university is a place with a variety of areas of use, whether it is administrative, Education, Sports and Recreational Activities However, the management of the facility requires a budget and policies to manage the area and the public utility system well, otherwise the university will waste the budget. The integration of energy conservation and the environment has been incorporated into teaching, research, and university activities to create a working environment that is safe, environmentally friendly, and knows how to use energy efficiently and cost-effectively. Promote environmental protection</p> <p>This article presents ideas about operating a green university. This is one measure to support the implementation of the green university policy. which includes 1. The meaning of a green university 2. Importance of a green university 3. There are 6 criteria for ranking green universities. 4. Factors that can lead the university towards success in becoming a green university. It consists of 5 factors: 1) Setting environmental policy must be clear 2) Participation of personnel within the university 3) Setting target indicators, monitoring and evaluating 4) Integrating environmental activities/projects with operations according to the mission of the university 5) Development for Increase potential in environmental management.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL and Local Governance: Concepts, Key Issues, and the Future of Provincial Governor Elections in Thailand2024-09-08T10:56:05+07:00Suchittika Kaewnanuasuchitika2516k@gmail.comWedsuwan Ardwichaidps4ved2@gmail.comPhramaha Thainoi Yanamethinikkybaty2012@hotmail.comTheeraphat<p>Decentralization and local governance are critical topics in Thailand's administrative system. This article analyzes the fundamental concepts of decentralization, particularly in the context of electing provincial governors, highlighting the importance of public participation in local development. It examines the current administrative structure and related challenges. The findings indicate that despite efforts to decentralize, policy and administrative limitations persist. This article proposes future strategies to enhance fairness, transparency, and citizen engagement at the local level.</p> <p>This article has three purposes: 1. To study the important concepts and issues of decentralization and local government in Thailand, focusing on the issues of decentralization and local government in Thailand, the election of provincial governors, which are currently receiving much attention. 2. To study the exercise of people's rights in the election of provincial governors in Thailand 3. To study the public's suggestions on the outcome of the election for the governor of Thailand. This article will present critical analysis on history and Development of decentralization as well as challenges and opportunities for local governments to face in the future, focusing on the election of provincial governors. Therefore, the election of provincial governors is a good thing, necessary and important for changing the country by changing the democratic system from the grassroots to the long-term democratic development of the country. Thailand is ready to organize the election of provincial governors because Thailand has had the election of sub-district administrative organizations (SAOs) and provincial administrative organizations (PAOs) many times already. The people have a good knowledge and understanding of the election.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL The Scenario of Buddhist Art and Buddhology2024-09-10T11:21:52+07:00Surasak Buddhamordindang_s@hotmail.comWorachet<p>This article aims to reflect the study of Buddhist art and Buddhology within the context of social, cultural, and technological changes in the future. It explores the relationship between Buddhist art and modern Buddhist teachings through an examination of the development of Buddhist art from the past to the present, focusing on the fusion of traditional and modern art. This reflects the adaptation of Buddhist art in response to cultural and technological shifts. Additionally, the article examines the role of digital media and modern technologies in disseminating Buddhist teachings and Buddhist art. These innovative mediums serve to expand the reach of Buddhist art, making it accessible to a more diverse audience both within and beyond the Buddhist context. Technological advancements are likely to lead to new interpretations of Buddhist art, potentially creating new dimensions in aesthetics and ethics. For instance, the use of virtual reality (VR) and digital media in the creation and dissemination of Buddhist art can engage younger audiences in the digital age. Such changes help broaden the understanding of Buddhist teachings, aligning them with contemporary lifestyles. Moreover, they foster a connection between Buddhist art, Buddhist teachings, and modern communication, allowing for flexibility and adaptation to the ever-evolving social and technological landscape, in harmony with the passage of time.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Movements of Pride Parade in Thailand2024-09-25T11:33:37+07:00Nippeach Krueangsanukknip1996@gmail.comPloypatcha Kowsuwankitphimwalan2211@gmail.comJakkraparn Limungkuri_amja_y@hotmail.comNattaporn<p>The academic article on the Pride parade movement in Thailand presents the demands of the LGBTQ+ community, particularly regarding self-disclosure and societal attitudes toward diverse sexualities in Thai society. These demands are accompanied by personal freedoms concerning social life, work, personal relationships, and legal rights. Consequently, the Pride parade movement has developed into a form of activism that raises public awareness and carries significant political implications. The authors thus begin by studying the history of the Pride movement in Western countries, exploring its origins and the evolution of its activism, especially as the demands for LGBTQ+ rights in the west began to achieve success in a truly flourishing democracy. However showed that Pride parades in Thailand are a new type of movement with a clear goal of ideology to drive the rights of diverse genders in Thai society, such as the Pride Parades in Bangkok, Phuket, Khon Kaen, Chiang Mai, etc. Within the Pride Parade movement, there are both marching styles. Fantasy costume Opening the academic forum Demanding rights and equality laws show exhibition Show local culture or for society to accept gender equality spaces. The leaders of these movements mostly coming from civil society and other sectors, they are trying to change society and negotiate state power and rights that they should have as citizens of a democratic government, similar to the Pride movement. western parade.</p> <p>The study results that the Pride parade movement in Thailand employs a non-violent and conciliatory approach in its activism. The movement often utilizes symbolic forms of protest and, at times, adopts a negotiating stance towards state power by exerting pressure through legal demands. Additionally, it aims to raise awareness about sexual rights, encouraging Thai society to recognize and accept diverse identities as part of humanity, thereby fostering public acceptance of different sexual orientations.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL Marketing: Impact on Spa Businesses2024-12-02T09:56:36+07:00Piyanee<p>Digital Marketing is Significantly Transforming the Spa Industry. Studies reveal that 82% of consumers search for spa service information online before making a decision. Leveraging digital marketing tools, including social media, SEO, and email marketing, enhances brand awareness and maintains customer loyalty. As a result, spas that embrace digital transformation experience a growth rate 30% higher than the industry average. Despite challenges in workforce skill development and customer data management, digital marketing has become a critical factor for the survival of spa businesses. This article analyzes the impact of digital marketing on the spa industry and proposes strategies for sustainable growth in the digital era.</p> <p>This article aims to analyze the impact of digital marketing on spa businesses in an era where digital technology is rapidly transforming the business landscape. The primary objective is to explore effective digital marketing strategies for spa businesses and assess their effects on operations and performance. The use of digital marketing tools, such as social media marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and email marketing, has shown a significant positive impact on brand awareness, attracting new customers, and retaining existing ones. Spa businesses that effectively implement digital marketing strategies demonstrate higher revenue growth rates than the industry average. Moreover, the application of AI and Machine Learning technologies in customer data analysis has proven effective in improving website visitor conversion rates and increasing the average purchase value per transaction. However, the study also highlights challenges faced by spa businesses in adapting to digital marketing, including a lack of digital skills among staff and managing online customer data.This article presents a model illustrating the impact of digital marketing on spa businesses in five key areas: consumer behavior, brand awareness, operational efficiency, customer experience, and market expansion. The model helps spa entrepreneurs gain a clearer understanding of the relationship between the use of digital marketing tools and business outcomes.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 RATANABUTH JOURNAL