Research on the Influencing Factors of Rural Tourism Behavioral Intention: An Exploration Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior

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Kun-Shan Zhang
Chiu-Mei Chen


This study aims to explore the influencing factors of rural tourism behavioral intention, particularly focusing on consumers in Meizhou City, which possesses significant practical and theoretical values. Through purposive sampling combined with online and offline questionnaire surveys, a total of 202 valid responses were collected. Utilizing the Theory of Planned Behavior as a framework, the study thoroughly analyzed the impacts of variables such as rural tourism attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and social support on behavioral intention. In the research process, statistical software such as SPSS was employed to conduct empirical analysis on the collected data, ensuring the scientific rigor and accuracy of the study. The findings revealed that rural tourism attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and resource conditions within social support have significant positive effects on rural tourism behavioral intention. Additionally, political systems and resource conditions, as aspects of social support, positively influence behavioral perception factors. Based on these results, the study suggests that managers and operators of rural tourism should actively guide the public to adopt a positive attitude towards rural tourism. At the same time, a comprehensive social support system should be established to promote the sustainable development of rural tourism and the realization of rural revitalization.

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How to Cite
Zhang, K.-S. ., & Chen, C.-M. (2024). Research on the Influencing Factors of Rural Tourism Behavioral Intention: An Exploration Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of China-ASEAN Studies, 4(2), 53–72. Retrieved from


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