Gazing, Visualizing and Knowing: Development of Conflict Monitoring Database of Deep South Watch

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Samatcha Nilaphatama
Srisompob Jitpiromsri


          Through the research design using available data, this research has shown that the monitoring database system is a supporting tool for conflict resolution and making peace. In general, development of monitoring database is a consequence of concepts about “Liberal Peace,” which has hypothesized that capacity of collecting, disseminating, and interpreting conflict data is pivotal for bringing about conflict resolution and building the liberal peace process. Globalized transformation and technology have led to development of data collection methods and presentations in a more complicated conflict situation. Deep South Watch (DSW) is an innovative database system for studying violence situation which has been developed for over two decades by the local educational institution.  
          On the other hand, the research has found that development of a monitoring database represents relationships between gazing and perceiving, knowing, a crucial component for the discursive formation and knowledge communication. It is one of the approaches for establishing truth. Visualization involves a new knowledge hidden behind things similar to the approach of pathological anatomy in modern time. Deep South Watch’s database reveals that the relationships between gazing and visualization shape the understanding of conflict dynamics in the southern border provinces in both time and space dimensions. The monitoring database developed from locally inclusive sources is different from other official security databases, which involve closed, rigid and inflexible dimensions.    

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