Post-Ukraine-Crisis World Order: Alternative Futures in the International Political Economy

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Rey Ty


          This paper addressed the problem of the Ukraine crisis according to which the aftermath of the conflict ushers in alternative futures based on the alliances of economic and political forces in the world.  It raised the query related to the repercussion of the Ukraine crisis to the nascent world order. This case study employed the qualitative research design that resorted to document analysis emanating from mainstream, alternative, and social media news reportage, reflecting divergent perspectives. It presented alternative futures before us, which converts the challenges into prospects toward inclusive development in the world at the end of the Ukraine crisis. The study focused on possible post-Ukraine crisis scenarios: one, the unipolar hegemon maintains its grip on the global economy; two, post-Cold War global harmony; three, China and Russia emerge as new centers of global economic power; and four, the non-aligned countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America assert a non-aligned multipolar world in which they will benefit from slices of the global pie. Each incipient system in the international political economy shall have different front-runners and losers.

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