Migrant Workers’ Housing Rights Protection in Malaysia: From the Stakeholder’s Perspective on Act 446
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Malaysia is one of the countries in Southeast Asia that depends heavily on migrant workers as a labor force. However, when it comes to migrant workers, issues always arise, and these problems not only happen in Malaysia but also in all countries that heavily depend on migrant workers in their economic activities. Migrant workers always found accommodation in overcrowded and live in unhealthy living conditions. This study aims to investigate whether migrant workers’ housing rights are protected in Malaysia and what are the stakeholders’ perspectives on the Act that protects migrant workers’ housing rights in Malaysia. This study utilized the qualitative research approach. In this study, two methods of data collection were used: in-depth interviews for primary sources and library-based research for secondary sources. Based on the analyses, it can be concluded that migrant workers' housing rights are partially protected in Malaysia. Many stakeholders express satisfaction with the amendment, while some advocate further enhancements to Act 446 to ensure universal compliance by all employers.
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