Role of Local Administrative Organizations in Peacebuilding in the Southernmost Provinces of Thailand toward the SDG 16

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Kayanee Chor Boonpunth
Niwadee Saheem


          This research aims to study the role of local administrative organizations in promoting peace in the three southern border provinces of Thailand under Sustainable Development Goal 16, as well as to examine the challenges faced by these organizations in fostering peace in the region under the same goal. This is a qualitative research study, using in-depth interviews. The key informants were specifically selected, comprising 21 representatives of the executives of local administrative organizations. The research findings indicate that the role of local administrative organizations under Sustainable Development Goal 16 is crucial in supporting state agencies responsible for maintaining peace and order. Additionally, these organizations place significant importance on improving the quality of life for local citizens by organizing activities that promote multiculturalism, with a focus on religious and sports-related events. Furthermore, local administrative organizations play a key role in establishing networks, acting as mediators, and creating mechanisms for collaboration, with a primary target group being children and youth. The challenges include budget limitations, regulations, and personnel recruitment for working in these areas.

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