Local wisdom, Basketry, Local curriculumAbstract
The objectives of this research are 1) to study the knowledge and wisdom of Klum basketry handicrafts in Nontree Subdistrict, Bo Rai District, Trat Province. 2) To create a local curriculum with participation in the making of Klum basketry handicrafts. The sample group used in this research was the community enterprise informant group, housewives' group, Ban Klong On basketry products, Nontree Subdistrict, Bo Rai District, Trat Province. and a group of teachers who develop local curricula, a total of 11 people, were obtained from purposive selection. Use mainly qualitative methods. The data was collected through in-depth interviews. Participation observation and Focus Group Discussion
The results of the research found that 1) In terms of knowledge and wisdom of the Klum basketry handicraft in Nontree Subdistrict, Bo Rai District, Trat Province, at present the wisdom of the Klum basketry handicraft is not very well known among the new generation. Because it requires skill, concentration, and high patience. pattern design Or the format of woven handicraft products to be modern in order to be passed on to students in helping to promote skills and increase income for students. It is to make students see the value of the local knowledge of basketry handicrafts. 2) Creating a local curriculum with participation in the making of Klum basketry handicrafts. From interviews and Focus Group Discussion, it can be concluded that schools and community enterprise groups, the Klum Weaving Group, have a desire to create a local curriculum. By teaching students to get to know the community environment. Resources and wisdom available in the community and be able to create work pieces by applying the local knowledge of klum weaving to suit the lesson.
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