Fieldwork’s Reflection: Youth’s Perspectives on Multiculturalism in the Deep South of Thailand

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Wilasinie Sopapol


          This article explores how the younger generation views the concept of "multiculturalism" as implemented by security agencies in the southern border region. The researcher conducted focus groups with twelve young people, including men, women, and members of the LGBTQI+ community, to understand their perspective on multiculturalism in their daily lives.

The discussions revealed that the new generation defines multiculturalism beyond just religious differences. They see it as a broader concept encompassing the entire way of life in the region.

Furthermore, the findings suggest that if multiculturalism is an effective policy, it needs to be redefined collaboratively. This new definition should emphasize acceptance of diverse identities and languages, trust building, self-determination within their communities, and respect for equality and diversity. These values underpin the concept of multiculturalism, a cornerstone of human rights which emphasizes respect for the unique cultural practices of minorities and ensures they are treated with equality.

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