The Role of Civil Society in Promoting State Accountability: A Case Study of the October 6, 1976

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Natchaya Ruangsan


          This qualitative research examines the role of Thai civil society in promoting justice and state accountability for the October 6, 1976, massacre. Analyzing the concepts, demands, and strategies of Thai and international civil society from 1976 to 1978, the study explores whether these movements advanced norms of justice and state accountability. It also assesses the political impact of these movements and whether they prompted the state to develop counter-narratives. Using primary and secondary documents and in-depth interviews with five key informants, the findings reveal that Thai civil society utilized religious frameworks to generate social momentum rather than advocating for fact-finding investigations and public disclosure. They favored reconciliation over justice for victims. This research enhances the understanding of the historical context and the enduring culture of impunity related to the October 6 massacre.

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