Cosmopolitan Tourist Motivations and Cross-Cultural Understandings: A Case Study of Nordic Tourists to Mae Kampong Community-Based Tourism

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Sasiwimon Khongmueang



The understanding of motivational factors enables tourism practitioners to attract visitors more effectively.  However, cross-cultural motivational studies on Community- Based Tourism (CBT) have received relatively little research attention. This study therefore aimed to study motivations of Nordic tourists as representative of cosmopolitan characteristics in terms of cross-cultural sensitivity towards their participating in Mae Kampong community- based tourism. Participants were 100 Nordic tourists who visited Mae Kampong CBT. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect the data.  Percentage, frequency and narrative analysis were used to analyze the data. The questionnaire findings regarding Nordic tourist motivations engaging in Mae Kampong CBT suggested that 79% of the Nordic tourist purpose was to gain more knowledge about local and traditional Northern Thai livelihood; 67% of them was to experience diverse cultures and the last 48% wanted to take a break from their daily life in Western settings at home and meet people from different cultural backgrounds. Apart from the questionnaires, the interview with 14 Nordic tourists were specific questions regarding their local CBT encounter and its connection to esteem needs. The pre-dominant tourism motivation of the Nordic cosmopolitan tourists to Mae Kampong CBT revealed that the majority of the Nordic tourists to Mae Kampong CBT focused mainly on local culture exchange, sharing and host hospitality. Besides that, their inner psychological force on self - worth, self-esteem and individual uniqueness also influenced their motivation for cross-cultural sensitivity in a local tourism setting.

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Khongmueang, S. (2024). Cosmopolitan Tourist Motivations and Cross-Cultural Understandings: A Case Study of Nordic Tourists to Mae Kampong Community-Based Tourism. วารสารจิตวิทยา, 21(2), 36–62. สืบค้น จาก



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