About the Journal
Focus and Scope
DEC Journal, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University, is an academic journal in art, design, and related fields, published three times a year with the following objectives:
1. To publish research articles and academic papers in art, design, and related fields.
2. To promote research, knowledge development, and academic/creative writing by faculty members of the Faculty of Decorative Arts, graduate students, academics, and experts both within and outside the Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University.
The journal publishes creative works, research, and academic articles that present knowledge, concepts, and processes related to various fields of art and design, such as Visual Communication Design, Interior Design, Product Design, Ceramics, Fashion Design, Applied Art Education, and Jewelry Design, as well as interdisciplinary academic works involving art, design, and cultural arts.
The journal accepts research articles, academic papers, and creative works in fine arts, design, and related fields from experts, academics, teachers, faculty members, and students, including articles from experienced practitioners with perspectives on art and design. Articles must present new knowledge or concepts derived from practice, research, or investigation and must not have been previously published. Published articles represent the views and opinions of the authors; the editorial board does not necessarily agree with and is not responsible for their content. DEC Journal is committed to developing quality and standards according to the Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) criteria.
(DEC Journal does not charge any publication fees)
Peer Review Process
1. Article Acceptance or Rejection
The editorial board reviews submissions and notifies authors of acceptance or rejection within 15 days. If an article does not meet the journal's formatting guidelines, the coordination team will contact the author for revisions within 15 days.
2. Article Evaluation
Accepted manuscripts are sent to three peer reviewers selected by the editorial board based on their expertise in the relevant field. The review process follows a double-blind system, keeping both author and reviewer identities confidential until publication. Each review takes approximately one month.
3. Evaluation Results
Articles are accepted if they receive ratings of good, very good, or excellent from reviewers. The reviewers' decisions are final, with no possibility for re-review or changing reviewers under any circumstances.
4. Notification of Results
The editorial board sends evaluation results to authors within 7 days of receiving the final review. Authors have 15 days to make any suggested revisions. If authors disagree with reviewer suggestions, they must submit a written explanation to the editorial board.
5. Publication Acceptance
Revised articles undergo a final review by the editorial board for formatting, language, and proofreading. The acceptance date is considered to be when the editor approves the final revision and issues a formal acceptance letter.
6. Article Publication
Accepted articles will be published on the DEC Journal online system (ThaiJO) within 30 days of the acceptance letter. Publications are scheduled in strict chronological order based on acceptance dates, with no exceptions or changes permitted.