Common Awareness from the Local Dimension of Thai Society in the Contemporary context of Thai Visual Arts and Criticism During the 1987-1997
common awareness, local Thai society, contemporary context, visual arts, criticismAbstract
This article aims to analyze common awareness from outstanding developments and borrowing of content from local Thai society and international contemporary art trends in visual arts and Thai criticism of the 1970s-1997s. In globalization it is common awareness that shows a new interpretation with a yearning for a return to local culture in relation to ordinary life in Thai society or in connection with Buddhist philosophy. To create an artistic medium for expressing aesthetics with a new meaning through forms of sculpture, mixed media, installation and art that engages the audience. While the artist creates visual arts that reflect and criticize Thai society as a mirror reflecting the situation of society in different contexts. To guide Thai society for the public to reflect on the situation that arises according to individual perspectives. In addition, Thai artists create and present works that are more in line with international art trends due to the convenience of transportation and faster communication. Thai artists perceive and learn internationally through education, study abroad, study abroad. and international art exhibitions. These are the things that motivate Thai artists to have a collective consciousness in pushing their visual arts to keep up with the current of contemporary art more than in the past. As for the visual arts criticism, it is found that many critics have more than one role in the art industry. This could be a critic alongside an artist, academic, or teacher. The major issue that has been given importance is the definition of modern art and contemporary art in Thai society which is found mainly in the form of books, textbooks, articles and critiques.
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