Old Chedi of Wat Anam Nikayaram: Styles and Meanings of Various Architectural Statuses


  • Arnuphap Chantharamporn Applied art department, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University


old pagoda, Anam Nikayaram temple, architecture in various states


The Bang Pho area of Bangkok shows signs of cultural diversity related to history and has affected the landscape, environment, and communities that exist today. This can be seen from the evidence of the Anam Nikayaram temple, the Vietnamese settlement, the traces of the ancient sites and the condition of the evidence related to the use of the area by the traditional community. The encroachment of temple areas, cemeteries, and pagodas from surrounding communities is a result of changes in ethnic identity. Assimilation of traditional communities which is one of the dynamics of cultures that can merge and blend together. Only the part of the monastery area that has been promoted is preserved as the identity of Vietnamese Buddhism. External historical sites related to traditional communities and related to the beliefs of the temple, it was still neglected, abandoned and lacked maintenance, leaving it in a very dilapidated condition. As a result, in addition to the external condition of important historical sites being damaged and their importance no longer visible. Mention of the history, meaning, function and importance that once existed has disappeared from the memory and awareness of the community. Studying to determine the exact meaning, function, and form of important ancient sites like the old Bang Pho Chedi is therefore extremely difficult. From the current state of decay and disrepair, it creates many doubts among those who see it, leading to questions about its changed status and importance. Reasons for abandonment, encroachment, direct designation of names and functions. Another thing is the emergence of art forms that come from various combinations. It invites you to think of a comparison with contemporary architecture that has been popular for a certain period of time or a combination of continuous modifications, additions, improvements until it becomes an architectural style that cannot be defined as any one thing in particular. This phenomenon that occurs in Thai architecture therefore leads to an examination of the clarity of form in a state where architecture is viewed as a creation outside of traditional art conventions.


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How to Cite

Chantharamporn , A. . (2024). Old Chedi of Wat Anam Nikayaram: Styles and Meanings of Various Architectural Statuses. DEC Journal, 3(1), 78–95. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/decorativeartsJournal/article/view/3853