Innovation in disaster prevention and mitigation by zoning co-operation Innovation in disaster prevention and mitigation by zoning co-operation

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Wichai Sreesaket


In the management of the disaster, which is one of the public administrations of the state to the people. Government agencies should not be discriminated against, since the state must help because it is already the duty of the state. To increase the opportunity for all citizens to have access to quality public services of the public sector, because the people are the real owners of the country. The important task that local governments must carry out in accordance with their authority, which has a working principle that must be upheld, is to provide public services to the people, which must be better or lower. Standard quality There is a transparent, efficient and responsible management that, if a serious disaster occurs, can mitigate or minimize the loss of life and property of people and governments. However, each local government has limited capacity to face the threat. As a result, it is not possible to resolve the problems to the people in accordance with their authority quickly and effectively. Innovative disaster prevention and mitigation by cooperation, Zoning Area Group is an operational approach with the same aim of integrating personnel management. Engine Tools and equipment to manage the safety and mitigation operations of the disaster and are ready to serve the public for the well-being of the public. Sustainable Happiness

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How to Cite
Sreesaket, W. (2022). Innovation in disaster prevention and mitigation by zoning co-operation: Innovation in disaster prevention and mitigation by zoning co-operation. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(1), 61–72. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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