Promotion of Ban Mao Community Enterprise Products, Sa Khu Subdistrict, Suwannaphum District Roi Et Province Promotion of Ban Mao Community Enterprise Products, Sa Khu Subdistrict, Suwannaphum District Roi Et Province

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nonthawat chernghom
ผศ.ดร.สยามพร พันธไชย
ผศ.ดร.สุกานดา จันทวารีย์


This research were 1) to study the level of public opinion towards the products of Ban Mao Community, 2) to compare people's opinions towards the products of Ban Mao Community Enterprise, and 3) to study the guidelines for promoting products of Ban Mao Community Enterprise, Sa khu Sub-district, Suwannaphum District. Roi Et Province Population and the sample group includes people aged 18 years and over and those who domicile and live in Ban Mao of 246 people. The tools used in the research were as a questionnaire about people's opinions towards the products of Ban Mao Community Enterprise and In-depth interviews with 9 key informants/person. Level of promotion of Ban Mao Community Enterprise Products, Sa Khu Sub-district, Suwannaphum District Roi Et Province overall and in each aspect the results showed that Promotion of Ban Mao Community Enterprise Products, it is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that at a high level in all aspects Comparison of the level of product promotion of Ban Mao Community Enterprise of people with gender, age, occupation, educational level monthly income different domiciles It was found that there was no difference in any way. The research proposals found that 1) relevant agencies should support networking with local agencies or surrounding community groups to increase product development efficiency; 2) relevant agencies should encourage people in the community to have Participate in solving the problems of the community in the preparation of village development plans, and 3) relevant agencies should come to support the development of products to be certified for more acceptable quality standards.

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How to Cite
chernghom, nonthawat, พันธไชย ผ. ., & จันทวารีย์ ผ. . (2022). Promotion of Ban Mao Community Enterprise Products, Sa Khu Subdistrict, Suwannaphum District Roi Et Province: Promotion of Ban Mao Community Enterprise Products, Sa Khu Subdistrict, Suwannaphum District Roi Et Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(2), 41–55. retrieved from
Research Article


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