Community Development According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Phlang Muang Thong Community, Sa khu sub-district, Suwannaphum district, Roi Et province Community Development According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Phlang Muang Thong Community, Sa khu sub-district, Suwannaphum district, Roi Et province

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Parinyaporn Moonsook
ผศ.ดร.สยามพร พันธไชย


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of opinions on community development according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Muang Thong Power Community, Saku Sub-district, Suwannaphum District, Roi Et Province. 2) To compare the opinions on community development according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Muang Thong Power Community, Sa Khu Sub-district, Suwannaphum District, Roi Et Province with different gender, age, education level, income, occupation and position in the community. And 3) to study the recommendations for community development according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Muang Thong Power Community, Sa Khu Sub-district, Suwannaphum District, Roi Et Province.

This research study was conducted in accordance with the integrated research methodology. Sampling from 312 Taro Yamane's formulas. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and analyzed using inferential statistics and qualitative research by in-depth interviews with 9 key informants and using descriptive content analysis techniques.

The results of the research were as follows: 1) The results of data analysis at the level of people's opinion towards community development according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Muang Thong Power Community, Sa Khu Sub-district, Suwannaphum District, Roi Et Province overal, it is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in every aspect. 2) The results of the comparison of people's opinions in Muang Thong Palang Community, Sa Khu Sub-district, Suwannaphum District, Roi Et Province with gender, age, education level, income, occupation and position in the community Totally different and no difference in each aspect. therefore, rejecting the hypothesis. 3) The results of the research on problems, obstacles and suggestions of public opinions found that should cooperate with the public and private sectors Coordinate public relations activities that exist in the community to be more widely known to be a tourist attraction and study visit Make people in the community have a career and generate extra income. People in the community should be encouraged to study and visit sufficiency economy activities in other communities.

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How to Cite
Moonsook, P., พระครูสุตวรธรรมกิจ, & พันธไชย ผ. . (2022). Community Development According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Phlang Muang Thong Community, Sa khu sub-district, Suwannaphum district, Roi Et province: Community Development According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Phlang Muang Thong Community, Sa khu sub-district, Suwannaphum district, Roi Et province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(2), 113–127. Retrieved from
Research Article


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