Public Participation In Disease Prevention And Treatment Health Ban Du Health Promoting Hospital At Samat District, Roi-Et Province Public Participation In Disease Prevention And Treatment Health Ban Du Health Promoting Hospital At Samat District, Roi-Et Province

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บัณฑิต สายทอง
พระครูสุตวรธรรมกิจ, ผศ.ดร.
ผศ.ดร.สยามพร พันธไชย


This research paper aims to 1. To study the level of public participation in the field of health prevention and treatment activities, Ban Du District Health Promotion Hospital. 2. To compare public participation in preventive and health care activities, Ban Du Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital. 3. To study the guidelines for public participation in the field of health prevention and treatment activities, Ban Du Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital. The district may be Able to Roi Et Province This research is a quantitative research method. The sample used in this research was 368 people living in Ban Du Subdistrict, Roi Et Province, using the sampling method from Taro Yamane's formula. When a difference is found, the average difference is compared on a per-pair basis. With minimal significant variances

          The results showed that 1. The level of public participation of Ban Du Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, The District may be able to Roi Et Province as a whole, is very high and the level of public participation in the prevention and treatment activities of Ban Du District Health Promoting Hospital. Districts may be able, as a whole, to a considerable extent 2. The results compared public participation in health prevention and treatment activities at Ban Du District Health Promotion Hospital, classified by personal factors, gender, level of education, occupation, and income. Participate in local development differently, but with different ages. Participation in local development is no different. 3. Guidelines for public participation in the field of health prevention and treatment activities, Ban Du Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital. It was found that 1. Encourage the public to participate in the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of preventive and health care activities of the district health promotion hospital. 2. Promote people to participate in the implementation of preventive and health treatment activities, hospitals promote sub-district health. 3.Encourage people to participate in the interests in carrying out preventive and health treatment activities, hospitals, health promotion districts. 4.Promote public participation, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of preventive and health treatment activities, hospitals promote sub-district health.

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How to Cite
สายทอง บ. ., ผศ.ดร. พ. ., & พันธไชย ผ. . (2022). Public Participation In Disease Prevention And Treatment Health Ban Du Health Promoting Hospital At Samat District, Roi-Et Province: Public Participation In Disease Prevention And Treatment Health Ban Du Health Promoting Hospital At Samat District, Roi-Et Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(2), 98–112. Retrieved from
Research Article


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