People’s Participation In The Local Development Of Ban Du Provincial Administrative Organization, At Samat District Roi-Et Province People’s Participation In The Local Development Of Ban Du Provincial Administrative Organization, At Samat District Roi-Et Province

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Thitipong Tanaveero (Tumphanom)
ผศ.ดร.สุกานดา จันทวารีย์
ผศ.ดร.สยามพร พันธไชย


This research paper aims 1. To study the level of public participation in local development. Ban Du District Administration 2. To compare people's participation in local development. Ban Du District Administration 3. to propose ways to improve people's participation in local development. Ban Du District Administration.This the quantitative research, using a sample of 368 people, analyze data by determining frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and analyze by testing T-values and F-tests with one-way variance analysis

          The results showed that 1. People’s Participation in the local Development of Ban Du Provincial Administrative Organization, At Samat District, Roi-Et Province by overall, was at a high level 2. Comparison of public participation in local development Ban Du District Administration, classified by personal factors, finding that age, education level, occupation, income and duration of living in different areas. Participation in local development differed statistically significantly at the level of 0.05, thus accepting research assumptions. People of different genders are not involved in local development. Therefore, it rejects the research hypothesis. 3. Guidelines for development the participation of people in the local Development of Ban Du Provincial Administrative Organization, At Samat District, Roi-Et Province. 1. Encourages people to participate in the proposed projects that promote income in the community. 2. Promote the regular cleaning activities for the community. 3. Promoting local culture, traditions and wisdom

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How to Cite
Tanaveero (Tumphanom), T., จันทวารีย์ ผ. ., & พันธไชย ผ. . (2022). People’s Participation In The Local Development Of Ban Du Provincial Administrative Organization, At Samat District Roi-Et Province: People’s Participation In The Local Development Of Ban Du Provincial Administrative Organization, At Samat District Roi-Et Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(2), 30–40. retrieved from
Research Article


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