Leadership changes in the use of technology to management Naluang School Leadership changes in the use of technology to management Naluang School

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Wichan Rianwilairat
Thanakrit Rachatasirakul
Bangoon Kaenchan


This research the objectives were to 1) study the level of technology change leadership and 2) compare technology change leadership to management. Naluang School consists of ideologically influencing or creating prestige. in the field of inspiration Intellectual stimulation and the consideration of individuality the population used in the study was Naluang School teachers, 170 people the tool used was an estimation level questionnaire. The mean of confidence for the whole paper was 0.99. The statistics used in the analysis of data in the study. Including percentage, mean and standard deviation. and and one-way ANOVA test. and the pairwise heterogeneity test by Scheffe' method.

The results of the research revealed that most of the respondents were female, aged 36-40 years, bachelor's degree. 1-5 years of work experience and academic personnel Wat Na Luang School Overall, it is at a moderate level. when considering each aspect, it was found that the first rank was the aspect of ideological influence or the creation of prestige, followed by the aspect of inspiration. intellectual stimulation and, finally, individuality.2) Pairwise comparison by Scheffe's method classified by type of management found that educational personnel Academic work and general administration were not significantly different at the 0.05 level in all aspects, thus rejecting the hypothesis set.

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How to Cite
Rianwilairat, W., Rachatasirakul, T., & Kaenchan, B. (2023). Leadership changes in the use of technology to management Naluang School: Leadership changes in the use of technology to management Naluang School. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 605–620. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/1891
Research Article


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