Needs of Population for Participating in Wat Puranawat Community Management Salathammasop Sub- District, Taweewattana District, Bangkok

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Surachai Chenprakhon


            The objectives of this research were 1) to study the people's need for participation in the administration. 2) To know the needs of the people to take part in the management of the Puranawat Temple community. Sala Thammasop Subdistrict, Thawi Watthana District, Bangkok divided into 4 areas: economic development; Social and Community Development political and administrative Resources and Environment The population used in this research was the people of the Puranawat Temple community. Sala Thammasop Subdistrict Bangkok total of 1,137 people were assigned to a sample of 287 people. The research tools were questionnaires. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean and standard deviation.

          The results of the study found that 1) Most of the respondents were 183 female respondents, aged between 30-34 years, 129 people, 126 employees, 137 graduates.2) People's needs to take part in the management of the Puranawat Temple community Sala Thammasop Subdistrict, Thawi Watthana District, Bangkok in total at a large level when considering each aspect In descending order, it was found that people wanted to participate in community management. in order of average as follows: economic development Social and Community Development Resources and Environment and political and administrative

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How to Cite
Chenprakhon , S. . (2022). Needs of Population for Participating in Wat Puranawat Community Management Salathammasop Sub- District, Taweewattana District, Bangkok. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(3), 288–298. Retrieved from
Research Article


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