Guidelines of Innovation Development for Academic Administration of Small Schools under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3

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Janram Promta
Sukhum Prommuangkun
Sakdinaporn Nuntee


The purposes of this study were: 1) to study the current conditions, the desirable conditions and the needs of the innovation development in academic administration of small schools under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. 2) develop guidelines for the innovation development in academic administration of small schools. 3) to assessment the innovation development in academic administration of small schools. The research was separated into 3 phases. Phases 1 was to study the current conditions, the desirable conditions and needs. The population consisted of 356. The sample were 186, directors and teachers, of small school under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The research was a questionnaire with a 5-level rating scale. Phases 2 the guidelines for the innovation development in academic administration of small schools were developed were 2 stages, stage 1 was the studying of multi-case study using the target semi-structured interview with 3 of small schools, and stage 2 was the Multi Attribute Consensus Reaching by academics and practitioners was conducted to confirm the information. stage 3 was the guidelines assessment by connoisseurship from 5 experts. The statistics for data analysis were by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. 

          The results were as follows. 1) The level of the current condition, was at medium level, the overall desirable conditions was the highest level, and the identification of problems and needs was prioritized. 2) The guidelines include 4 complements, 12 guidelines and 24 projects/activities.3) The assessment result of the guidelines innovation development academic administration of small schools under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, by connoisseurship, Propriety Standards at the highest level, Accuracy Standards at the highest level, Feasibility Standards at the highest level, Utility Standards at the highest level, and the overall was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Promta, J., Prommuangkun, S., & Nuntee, S. (2022). Guidelines of Innovation Development for Academic Administration of Small Schools under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(3), 72–88. Retrieved from
Research Article


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