Quality Development Strategy for the Primary School in Special Economy Eastern Corridor

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Tharatip Wongkaew
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dr. Sakchai Niruntawee
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atchara Wattananarong
Asst. Prof. Dr. Somsak Iamkongsi


Of the changes in the current global economic system, as a result, various countries must accelerate the development of domestic economic systems to keep up with changes and increase competitiveness. as well as the development of the domestic economic system not to be limited to the scope within one's own country only especially in trade in the current economy. transportation communication that is convenient, fast, and modern, together with the technology involved in the economy. This gives countries the opportunity and ability to trade more internationally. It's more convenient and faster. Causing the world's economic competition to increase accordingly the Thai government, headed by General Prayut Chan-o-cha, prime minister, has the policy to develop Thailand with industrial investment to extend the existing industry and establishing the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) that covers three provinces, Chachoengsao; Chonburi and Rayong including other provinces that are contacted or related as further specified by the Eastern Economic Corridor Policy Committee with the approval of the cabinet. The objective is to reform Thailand's economy and improve the people's quality of life for a better quality of life. Socially responsible Consumption that is environmentally friendly and in line with the regulations of the world community. The potential has to compete in all aspects and increase the competitiveness of the country as a whole as well as the distribution of economic and social development to various areas appropriately. At the same time, the government has developed domestic infrastructure to support the expansion of the country's economy, such as transportation and basic transportation, including airports, ports, and road systems. Telecommunications Public utilities and logistics connect to other areas related to the 10 target industries of Thailand integrated according to the country's development policy. Under the philosophy of sufficiency economy towards Thailand 4.0 "Stable, Prosperous, Sustainable"

The Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board proposed the Eastern Economic Corridor Development project to the Cabinet. At the cabinet meeting on June 28, 2016, the Cabinet approved the proposal and assigned Mr. Somkid Jatusripitak deputy prime minister in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport, the Navy, and relevant agencies Jointly consider preparing the details of the Eastern Economic Corridor to the development project. According to the Prime Minister's order to support the economic competition system that tends to expand more in the future and to achieve concrete results in all aspects by the year 2018, General Prayut Chan-o-cha, as the head of the National Council for Peace and Order The National Economic Corridor issued an order No. 2/2560 on the development of the Eastern Economic Corridor ordered on January 17, 2017, to impose measures for the development of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) to achieve concrete results as soon as possible.

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How to Cite
Wongkaew, T., Niruntawee, S., Wattananarong, A., & Iamkongsi, S. (2022). Quality Development Strategy for the Primary School in Special Economy Eastern Corridor. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(3), 340–360. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/1947
Academic Article


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