Servant Leadership for School Administrators

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Dr.Pongphop Phoojomjit


          This academic paper, the author wishes to present the characteristics of school administrators with servant leadership will focus on the value of others and developing others. Overlook their benefits to help others develop, to the Growth of People, Progress and success. They are reducing, canceling, and less controllable management. Create learning opportunities and build the ability of teachers and personnel for these people to become leaders and lead the changes that will happen with creativity. It consists of factors as follows: 1) Empowerment, 2) Service) 3) Awareness, 4) Humility, and 5) Persuasion

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How to Cite
Phoojomjit, P. (2022). Servant Leadership for School Administrators. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(3), 373–386. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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