The Policy Study of “We Travel Together” Project

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Bhanuwat Dekhlee
surachai mulsan
Adisak Phommet
Asst.Prof. Dr.Sonchai Towmit


Situation of the epidemic of the COVID-19 virus that affects the whole family, both the economic checkpoint and the way of life. The government therefore has a policy to solve problems to heal people and small entrepreneurs who are affected to stimulate public spending through domestic tourism. It also helps to increase liquidity for hotel operators and businesses related to the tourism sector along with the restoration of the domestic economy to return to recovery again under the project “We Travel Together”. The strength of the project is that the number of privileges and financial support of the project is an important incentive for tourists to want to travel more, including the duration of the project that covers all tourist seasons in Thailand. As for the disadvantages, there are many, for example, the project still has loopholes that cause corruption which is done by operators who provide accommodation services or hotels with suspicious behavior, may be involved in various forms of fraud. Although the project will not stimulate tourism much. But it made tourism in some provinces recover. The income from foreign tourists is the main income, which the project "We Travel Together" can replace a small amount of lost income.

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How to Cite
Dekhlee, B., mulsan, surachai, Phommet, A., & Towmit, S. (2022). The Policy Study of “We Travel Together” Project. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(3), 299–309. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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