The Role of Administrators for the Internal School Supervision Under Samut Prakan Primary Education Service Area Office 1 The Role of Administrators for the Internal School Supervision Under Samut Prakan Primary Education Service Area Office 1

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Waroon Bunditnate
คึกฤทธิ์ ศิลาลาย


The purposes of this research were (1) to study the role of Administrators for The Internal School Supervision Under Sumut Prakan Primary Education Service Area Office 1, in accordance with the teacher's view and (2) to compare the role of Administrators for The Internal School Supervision Under Sumut Prakan Primary Education Service Area Office 1, classified by educational background. Based on the observations of 306 teachers in the 2022 academic year, the sample was determined at a statistically significant level.05. The sample sizes using Cohen's methodology used simple randomization. A tool used in research was a questionnaire on the role of school administrators in the Internal school supervision within schools. Affiliated with the Sumut Prakan Primary Education Service Area Office 1 has a reliability value of .988. The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique in addition to Scheffe’s multiple comparison method. (Scheffé’s Method)

The research results were found that;

  1. The role of school Administrators for The Internal School Supervision Under Sumut Prakan Primary Education Service Area Office 1, according to the teacher's perspective was at a high level.

  2. Teachers with different educational backgrounds, their views to the role of school administrators in Inservice within the Sumut Prakan Primary Education Service Area Office 1, as a whole and on a case-by-case basis were no different.

  3. Teachers with different work experiences, their views to the role of Administrators for The Internal School Supervision Under Sumut Prakan Primary Education Service Area Office 1 overall and individually were no different.

4. Teachers who are in educational institutions with different sizes of educational institutions, their views to the role of school administrators in communication within schools affiliated with the Sumut Prakan Primary Education Service Area Office 1, overall and individually, were no different.

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How to Cite
Bunditnate, W., & ศิลาลาย ค. (2023). The Role of Administrators for the Internal School Supervision Under Samut Prakan Primary Education Service Area Office 1: The Role of Administrators for the Internal School Supervision Under Samut Prakan Primary Education Service Area Office 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 44–57. Retrieved from
Research Article


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