Factors Affecting People's Lifestyle According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Na Dun District Mahasarakham Province Factors Affecting People's Lifestyle According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Na Dun District Mahasarakham Province

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Saranant Cammie
Sanya Kenaphoom
Saowalak Kosonkittiumporn


This research article have a purpose 1) To study the level of life of the people according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Na Dun District Mahasarakham Province 2) To study the factors affecting the people's lifestyle according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Na Dun District. Mahasarakham Province and 3) to study recommendations on factors affecting people's lifestyle according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in Na Dun District Mahasarakham Province The sample was a population of 400 voters in Na Dun District using Taro Yamane's formula, proportional randomization and simple randomization. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, frequency, standard deviation. and analyze the factors affecting the people's lifestyle according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Na Dun District Mahasarakham Province Use multiple regression analysis. The results of the research showed that 1) the level of people's lifestyle according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Na Dun District Mahasarakham Province 2) Factors affecting people's lifestyle according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Na Dun District Mahasarakham Province, including factors in network of community organizations Government support factors perception factor and participation factors They were able to jointly explain the variation at 81.10% with a statistical significance of .05 and 3) recommendations on factors affecting people's lifestyle according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in Na Dun District. Mahasarakham Province Relevant agencies should encourage and educate people in applying the principles of sufficiency economy in their livelihoods. People should seek more knowledge There is a control over everyday spending. You should spend your free time doing extra work. should live with moral principles Be considerate to people in the community Cooperate with relevant agencies in implementing the Sufficiency Economy Project.

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How to Cite
Cammie, S., Kenaphoom, S., & Kosonkittiumporn, S. (2023). Factors Affecting People’s Lifestyle According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Na Dun District Mahasarakham Province: Factors Affecting People’s Lifestyle According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Na Dun District Mahasarakham Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 1–13. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/2340
Research Article


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