Component Models and Indicators of Excellence Management of local government organizations in the Northeast Component Models and Indicators of Excellence Management of local government organizations in the Northeast

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ชาญชัย คำจำปา
ภักดี โพธิ์สิงห์
ยุภาพร ยุภาศ


This research study have a purpose to study management excellence complementary studies and indicators, exploratory, confirmatory, management excellence. Including, Creating and confirming a prototype model. Management Excellence of local government organizations in the Northeast. Mixed Method Research, The populations studied were administrators, officers of local administrative organizations. The research tools used were questionnaires, with the quality of confidence (α) = .947. collect information The researcher asked respondents to answer by themselves and collect data online (Google from). Save data into the program log for statistical analysis. The statistics used were basic statistics, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (EFA). (Confirmatory Factor Analysis: CFA) The important results of the study revealed that 1. Management Excellence Level Conditions of local government organizations In the Northeast, it is divided into management of excellence that focuses on results. in the administration of government affairs in a collaborative manner Organizational Resource Management Excellence The overall picture was found at a moderate level. 2. Survey components and indicators Excellence Management of Local Administrative Organizations In the northeastern region, it was found that there were 3 components, 29 indicators, namely: Component 1: Outcome-oriented excellence management with 14 indicators; Component 2: Cooperative governance with 9 indicators; Component 3: There are 6 indicators for cooperative governance in government affairs. 3. The result of checking the components and confirming indicators of consistency of the excellence management model, second order, it was found that chi-square (2) = 1860.60 at degrees of freedom (df) = 374. Probability (p-value) = 0.01152, GFI = 0.95, Adjusted GFI (AGFI) = 0.77, and Comparative GFI = 0.95. The root of the mean square of the remainder in the form of standard score (SRMR)=0.041, the root of the mean square of the estimated error (RMSEA) = 0.089 shows that the democratic model of the political party that were consistent with the empirical data were in good criteria

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How to Cite
คำจำปา ช., โพธิ์สิงห์ ภ., & ยุภาศ ย. (2023). Component Models and Indicators of Excellence Management of local government organizations in the Northeast: Component Models and Indicators of Excellence Management of local government organizations in the Northeast. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 75–89. Retrieved from
Research Article


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