Risk Management for Coronvirus 2019 (Covid 19) Prevention of Chumphon Sub-district Municipality Moeiwadi District Roi Et Province Risk Management for Coronvirus 2019 (Covid 19) Prevention of Chumphon Sub-district Municipality Moeiwadi District Roi Et Province

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Wikun Wilaila
Sukanda Chantawaree


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the public opinion on risk management in the prevention of the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) 2) to study the relationship between the 4 Noble Truths and the management of The risk of the corona virus 2019 (Covid-19) epidemic situation and 3) presented risk management guidelines for preventing the epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) of the sub-district municipality. Chumphon, Moeiwadi District, Roi Et Province Conduct research with integrated research methodology Data were collected from a sample of 218 people and interviewed by 12 key informants or people. Data were collected using questionnaires. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested using Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis.

          The results showed that Level of public opinion towards risk management in prevention of the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) of Chumphon Subdistrict Municipality, Moeiwadi District, Roi Et Province Overall, it was at a high level, at a high level. The relationship between the 4 Noble Truths and the risk management principles in the organization was positive. Very high (R=.914**) Guidelines for integrating the Four Noble Truths with the organizational risk management framework. Classified into four noble truths: 1) Suffering, which is to create awareness of the risk of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19) epidemic situation that affects normal living; understand the cause. 3) Nirodha is having plans, policies, strategies and measures. in preventive management Control the spread of the corona virus 2019 (COVID 19) and 4) the way is the operation or implementation of the policy. to manage risk in preventive management Control and control the spread of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19) with 8 main risk management factors, consisting of 1) internal environment of the organization, which means ethics, working methods of executives and personnel. and culture in management 2) Objectives are defined as the setting of strategic goals, missions, efficiency, performance results, reporting and compliance with relevant regulations. considering All aspects of risk factors that may occur 4) Risk assessment refers to the assessment of the likelihood and impact of events that may occur on the objectives. 5) Risk response refers to the four risk response principles: avoidance sheer Sharing or sharing responsibility, reducing and accepting the remaining risks at present. 6) Control activities refer to policies and procedures. to ensure risk management 7) Information & Communication means information and information related to the organization from both external and internal sources. ensuring quality and appropriate risk management and risk management has been applied.

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How to Cite
Wilaila, W., Chantawaree , S., & Phrakhrusutaworathammakit. (2023). Risk Management for Coronvirus 2019 (Covid 19) Prevention of Chumphon Sub-district Municipality Moeiwadi District Roi Et Province: Risk Management for Coronvirus 2019 (Covid 19) Prevention of Chumphon Sub-district Municipality Moeiwadi District Roi Et Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 211–227. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/2422
Research Article


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