System of Positions and Government Compensation System of Positions and Government Compensation

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Prakrubidika Wasan Nongsai
Watchara Sangthima
Wattana Kaewoyaem
Chot Bodeerat


This academic article aims to study about the classification system and government compensation. and suggest guidelines on the classification system and government compensation. Thailand has adopted a position classification system based on the nature of responsibilities in personnel management. For the first time in the Thai civil service in 1975, instead of the Rank Classification system, later in the year 1992, the Civil Service Act B.E. and revised some important parts to be more suitable from the improvement of the new position classification system and compensation benefits to both the people. government sector or government and civil servants 1) People 2) Public sector or government and 3) Government officials. The development of the country or organization is therefore important. and the necessity of relying on personnel who are important mechanisms of propulsion Therefore, human resource management The classification system and government compensation are therefore important in order for personnel to match the job and build morale. The author uses the concept of the Michigan Model of HRM to be used in the analysis of human resource management. 1) Analyte and design on the Job. 2) Personnel planning, 3) Personnel recruitment and selection, 4) Personnel performance appraisal.5) Compensation management, and 6) Progress management. To present the concept of human resource management, especially the classification system and government compensation. In order to achieve the greatest benefit in the administration of the public sector is important.

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How to Cite
Nongsai, P. W., Sangthima, W. ., Kaewoyaem, W., & Bodeerat, C. (2023). System of Positions and Government Compensation: System of Positions and Government Compensation. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 649–663. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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