Factors Influencing Satisfaction willingness to return to service and electronic word-of-mouth communication of customers to Phai Khwang restaurant at Suphanburi Province Factors Influencing Satisfaction willingness to return to service and electronic word-of-mouth communication of customers to Phai Khwang restaurant at Suphanburi Province

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Surapong Wantanakul
Thanakrit Sangchoey


The objective of this research is to study the Factors affecting satisfaction model, willingness to return and electronic word-of-mouth communication of restaurant visitors by a case study of Phai Kwang restaurant, Suphanburi and verify the consistency of the developed model with empirical data.The sample group was 400 customers who came to Phai Kwang restaurant. The tools used to collect the data was the 7-level estimation scale questionnaires and the influence path model was analyzed by AMOS program. The result of analyzed influence path model found that the customer satisfaction has a direct influence on their willingness to return and electronic word-of-mouth communication, while knowing the quality of services, foods quality and physical environment has a direct influence on customer satisfaction. The developed influence path model is consistent with the empirical data, the chi-square value was 7.684, with statistical significance at 0.053, The chi-square correlation was 2.561, and the relative harmonic consistency index (CFI) was 0.997, Goodness Index (GFI) was 0.994, Relative Consistency Index (NFI) was 0.995, and Root Mean Squared Index (RMR) was 0.007. The factors that have the most influence on customer satisfaction was food quality, quality of services and physical environment, respectively. This study showed that such factors have an influence on customer satisfaction. Satisfaction affects the willingness to return and electronic word-of-mouth from the customers of Phai Kwang restaurant, operators need to pay attention to food quality control, service standards, as well as managing the physical environment of the restaurant to attract the customers.

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How to Cite
Wantanakul, S., & Sangchoey, T. (2023). Factors Influencing Satisfaction willingness to return to service and electronic word-of-mouth communication of customers to Phai Khwang restaurant at Suphanburi Province: Factors Influencing Satisfaction willingness to return to service and electronic word-of-mouth communication of customers to Phai Khwang restaurant at Suphanburi Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 90–108. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/2506
Research Article


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