Satisfaction with the administration and management of elementary school district offices Yasothon District 1 Satisfaction with the administration and management of elementary school district offices Yasothon District 1

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Sombat Minlapha
Yupin Boonyoung
Sanook Singmart
Suttiphan Arunyawas
Chainarong KongSima


The purpose of this study was to study the satisfaction with educational management of Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Amount of 4 aspects, consisting of academic, personnel management budget and general administration. In this study, a survey was conducted among civil servants and stakeholders. Survey from a sample of 324 people. Conducting combined method research quantitative research using opinion polls and data were analyzed according to the qualitative research model. The study found that 1) Academic aspect with the highest assessment results was the promotion and support for individuals, organizations, and agencies to participate in education management and as a learning center in order to develop the quality of education in a network format. accounted for 96.49 percent with an average of 4.42, 2). Budget with the highest assessment results was supervision, supervision, monitoring and auditing of educational institutions' budget utilization. Representing 96.44 percent with an average of 4.82, 3). Personnel with the highest evaluation results Preparation of teacher workforce information data and educational personnel that complies with the policy Problems and needs of educational institutions Representing 94.69 percent with an average of 4.73, 4). The aspect of general administration with the highest evaluation was the coordination, promotion of cooperation networks from individuals, agencies. Institutions, public and private organizations come to mobilize resources to improve the quality of education. Representing 94.15 percent with an average of 4.71, the suggestion found that according to the policy should develop the potential of personnel in the educational area office in the research process to increase, such as The debt problem of educational personnel failing to reach the savings cooperative's loan will affect the performance of their duties.

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How to Cite
Minlapha, S., Boonyoung, Y., Singmart, S. ., Arunyawas, S., & KongSima, C. (2023). Satisfaction with the administration and management of elementary school district offices Yasothon District 1: Satisfaction with the administration and management of elementary school district offices Yasothon District 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 283–294. Retrieved from
Research Article


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