Personnel's Attitudes toward the Administration According to the Principles of Good Governance of School Administrators under Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization Personnel's Attitudes toward the Administration According to the Principles of Good Governance of School Administrators under Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization

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Donludee Wintisa
Theeraphat Thinsandee


This research has the following objectives: 1. To study the attitudes of personnel towards the administration according to the principles of good governance of educational institute administrators under the Roi-Et Provincial Administrative Organization. 2. To compare the attitudes of personnel towards the administration according to the principles of good governance. of school administrators under the Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization with sex, education level and 3. to collect suggestions of personnel on the administration according to the principles of good governance of school administrators under the Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization. Population The population used in this study was teachers and educational personnel Under the Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization, 120 people. The sample group was 92 people. Tools used in this research. The researcher has prepared the tool as a questionnaire. (Questionnaire), which was a checklist, rating scale, and open-ended questionnaires. Personnel's Attitudes toward the Administration According to the Principles of Good Governance of Educational Institution Administrators under Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization according to the opinions of the respondents Overall, it was at a high level. The results of comparing the attitudes of personnel towards the management according to the principles of good governance of school administrators under the Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization classified by sex, level of education and work experience There is no difference whatsoever. As for suggestions, it was found that administrators should apply good governance principles in school administration more. especially general administration Should train personnel to be aware of the regulations on the administration of the Department of Local Administration so that the administration goes in the same direction. Moral attitudes should be created. ethics to occur to personnel in order to encourage them to consider the common interests rather than personal interests.

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How to Cite
Wintisa, D., & Thinsandee, T. (2023). Personnel’s Attitudes toward the Administration According to the Principles of Good Governance of School Administrators under Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization: Personnel’s Attitudes toward the Administration According to the Principles of Good Governance of School Administrators under Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 310–324. Retrieved from
Research Article


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