A Guidelines for Development of Educational Quality Assurance Systems in 21st Century Based on Missions of Moral and Intellectual Cultivation Universities A Guidelines for Development of Educational Quality Assurance Systems in 21st Century Based on Missions of Moral and Intellectual Cultivation Universities

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Jirachaya Thongbai


The article discusses the importance and necessity of implementing a Higher Education Quality Assurance System at Mahamakut Buddhist University in the 21st century, with the aim of continuously improving the quality of learners and building confidence for educational service recipients, both direct (such as learners and parents) and indirect (such as enterprises, people, and society as a whole). Group 4 universities, including Mahamakut Buddhist University, emphasize the development of wisdom and morality through religious principles, making it essential to establish guidelines for developing an educational quality assurance system that aligns with the university's context and meets the internal educational quality assessment criteria at the faculty, program, and institutional levels. This system should also comply with the Ministerial Regulation on the Classification of Higher Education Institutions B.E. 2562, Chapter 3 Quality Assessment. Furthermore, the article recommends the development of new elements and indicators, or additional indicators, for the educational quality assurance system that are in line with the educational administration needs of the 21st century, as well as the Higher Education Curriculum Standards of 2022. The ultimate goal is to produce graduates with both intellectual and moral cultivation, as required by universities that prioritize religious principles.

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How to Cite
Thongbai, J. (2023). A Guidelines for Development of Educational Quality Assurance Systems in 21st Century Based on Missions of Moral and Intellectual Cultivation Universities: A Guidelines for Development of Educational Quality Assurance Systems in 21st Century Based on Missions of Moral and Intellectual Cultivation Universities. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 664–680. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/2589
Academic Article


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