Servant leadership of school administrators by the government teachers from SamutSakhon Primary Educational Service Area office Servant leadership of school administrators by the government teachers from SamutSakhon Primary Educational Service Area office

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Somjet Charoenphol
Khukrit Silalaiy


This research is the survey research. The purpose of this study is to the service-oriented leadership of school administrators as perceived by government teachers from Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area office. The sampling group used for this research, was from 322 teachers from 102 schools under Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area office in the academic year 2022 this sample group is obtained from opening the tables of Cohen. The sampling group comprised 303 questionnaires, position and size of educational institutes. The research tools were a questionnaire with 45 items on service-oriented leadership of school administrators, which had a reliability at .989. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (t-test), one-way analysis of variance. and comparison of the difference of average scores by pair by Scheffe's method. The results of the research were as follows: 1) the overall and each aspect of opinions of government teachers on service-oriented leadership of school administrators were at a high level.  2) The comparison of service-oriented leadership opinions of school administrators according to the perceptions of government teachers officials under Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office were these 2.1) the overall and each aspect of opinions difference from the government teachers with different educational backgrounds was statistically significant at 05. 2.2) the overall and each aspect of opinions difference from the government teachers with different positions was statistically significant at 05.  2.3) the overall and each aspect of opinions difference from the government teachers with different institutes was statistically significant at 05.

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How to Cite
Charoenphol, S., & Silalaiy, K. (2023). Servant leadership of school administrators by the government teachers from SamutSakhon Primary Educational Service Area office: Servant leadership of school administrators by the government teachers from SamutSakhon Primary Educational Service Area office. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 345–357. Retrieved from
Research Article


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