Study the Administration of the Child Development Center. Case Study of the Management of the Child Development Center Executive Committee Ban Thung Nang Ok, Village No. 3, Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Mueang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province Study the Administration of the Child Development Center. Case Study of the Management of the Child Development Center Executive Committee Ban Thung Nang Ok, Village No. 3, Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Mueang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province

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Kalaya Sanchan
Ulaiphorn Choorat
Panchit Sadoa
Apisaya Phanasri
Jesada Jantanaphorn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the management of the committee of Baan Thung Nang Ok Child Development Center, Village No. 3, Thung Nang Ok Sub-district. Mueang Yasothon District Yasothon Province, 2) to study problems and obstacles in the administration of Ban Thung Nang Ok Child Development Center Executive Committee, Village No. 3, Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict. Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province, and 3) to study solutions and develop the administration and management of Ban Thung Nang Ok Child Development Center, Village No. 3, Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict. Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province is a qualitative research. The sample group in this research were 13 executive committees and presidents of Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Administrative Organization. The tool was an interview form. Data were analyzed according to the qualitative research model. The results of the research were as follows: 1) The management of the child development center by the executive committee consisted of 1. Academic and preparation activities for children 2. Budget 3. Personnel management 4. Supporting communities and parents 2) The problem of the administration of the Child Development Center, the Executive Committee did not perform the duties as appointed. because he did not know that he had been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Child Development Center Therefore, there is no management policy to make the budget insufficient for development. Personnel administration lacks performance evaluation and communities lack participation in child development center operations. and 3) solutions to problems, namely The appointment of the executive committee must be considered by experts in education. There are representatives selected by the community. In order to proceed with the appointment, once the Tambon Administrative Organization has been appointed, the order of the appointment must be notified to the committee. To perform duties as assigned in accordance with the standards for the implementation of the Child Development Center. jointly formulate a clear management policy Encourage personnel of the Child Development Center to receive training to acquire knowledge and progress in their duties, monitoring and evaluating teaching and learning outcomes. Encourage the community and parents to participate in the operation by cooperating with the Child Development Center Executive Committee, seeing the importance of child center development, thinking together for the benefit of teaching and learning. growing up of children.

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How to Cite
Sanchan, K., Choorat, U., Sadoa, P., Phanasri, A., & Jantanaphorn, J. (2023). Study the Administration of the Child Development Center. Case Study of the Management of the Child Development Center Executive Committee Ban Thung Nang Ok, Village No. 3, Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Mueang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province: Study the Administration of the Child Development Center. Case Study of the Management of the Child Development Center Executive Committee Ban Thung Nang Ok, Village No. 3, Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Mueang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 574–587. Retrieved from
Research Article


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