A Satisfaction Survey of Participants in the Garbage Bank Project, Khu Mueang Subdistrict, Mahachachai District, Yasothon Province A Satisfaction Survey of Participants in the Garbage Bank Project, Khu Mueang Subdistrict, Mahachachai District, Yasothon Province

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Nirandon Wongmanee
Warunee Srisangchan
Phatarapol Praosri
Phrakhru Pariyatworamathee
Pikul Meemana


This research aims to 1. To study the satisfaction of the waste bank project participants, Khu Mueang Sub-district, Mahanachai District, Yasothon Province and 2. To study problems and suggestions about the Khu Mueang Sub-District Waste Bank Project, Mahanachai District, Yasothon Province. The population is people who are members of the Sub-District Waste Bank Project. Khu Mueang, Mahachanachai District, Yasothon Province: 1,181 people, sample group Using Taro Yamane's formula, 299 samples were obtained. The research instrument was a questionnaire.

The results showed that The satisfaction of the participants in the waste bank project, Khu Mueang Sub-district, Mahachanachai District, Yasothon Province in all aspects was at a high level. The total mean was 3.27 when considering each aspect. In descending order, it was found that the first priority was the aspect of setting the rules of conduct. with an average of 4.63, followed by participation with an average of 3.69 and the last one is the convenience of the staff with an average of 3.67, respectively. As for the additional suggestions about the waste bank project, Khu Mueang Sub-district, Mahachachai District, Yasothon Province, the results of the study found that There are additional suggestions as follows: 1. There should be public relations inviting people to become members of the garbage bank and bring their waste to the bank continuously, 2.There should be continuous education about waste separation. and 3. Should organize a mobile garbage bank project to facilitate members and people in the community who cannot bring recyclable waste to sell with the recyclable waste bank on the opening day. to be more convenient.

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How to Cite
Wongmanee, N., Srisangchan, W., Praosri, P., Phrakhru Pariyatworamathee, & Meemana, P. (2023). A Satisfaction Survey of Participants in the Garbage Bank Project, Khu Mueang Subdistrict, Mahachachai District, Yasothon Province: A Satisfaction Survey of Participants in the Garbage Bank Project, Khu Mueang Subdistrict, Mahachachai District, Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 499–507. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/2610
Research Article


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