Bathing Tradition That Kong Khao Noi in Tad Thong Subdistrict Mueang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province Bathing Tradition That Kong Khao Noi in Tad Thong Subdistrict Mueang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province

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Nonglak Boonrat
Nattawut Pilajan
Wasan Ygamlert
Apischaya Phanasri
Thongmoon Noinon


The tradition of pouring water at That Kong Khao Noi in Tad Thong sub-district has been inherited and practiced for a long time. And it is a cultural heritage that the younger generations need to realize the importance. And worth preserving and developing a good tradition for sustainability The objectives of this research were 1. to study the opinions of the people towards the Song Nam That Kong Khao Noi Songkran Festival in Tad Thong Sub-district, Mueang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province and 2. to study the suggestions of the people on the promotion of the Song Song Festival. Nam That Kong Khao Noi, Tad Thong Subdistrict Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province. Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province, totaling 384 people. The tool used to collect data was a questionnaire. The results showed that People's opinions toward the That Kong Khao Noi Songkran Festival, Tad Thong Sub-district, Mueang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province were generally at a high level (3.99). The suggestion was the cleanliness of the toilets and parking places. The results could be discussed as follows: People had Satisfaction at a high level to the cleanliness of the bathroom, toilet cleanliness of the parking area around the area of the Song Nam That Kong Khao Noi festival The item with average mean was the area. Sufficient parking is available. Staff can educate tourists. For the safety of those attending the festival, there is a publicity for no smoking in the area where the festival is held. and the item with a low average level was that there was a promotion prohibiting drinking alcohol in the area where the festival was held.

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How to Cite
Boonrat, N., Pilajan, N., Ygamlert, W., Phanasri, A., & Noinon, T. (2023). Bathing Tradition That Kong Khao Noi in Tad Thong Subdistrict Mueang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province: Bathing Tradition That Kong Khao Noi in Tad Thong Subdistrict Mueang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 438–450. Retrieved from
Research Article


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