A Study of Innovative Leadership of School Administrators Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 2 A Study of Innovative Leadership of School Administrators Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 2

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Naluemon Chaengsahwang
Kannika Waisopha


The objectives of this research were 1) to study and compare the level of innovative leadership school administrators under Loei primary education service area office 2. And 2) to compare the innovative leadership school administrators under Loei primary education service area office 2. The population used in the study was school administrators under Loei primary education service area office 2. The sample used in the research was 312 people, determined according to krejcie and morgan's ready-made table. The tool used is a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire with a confidence value of 0.96. Data analysis frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, reference statistics use t-test statistics and One-Way ANOVA, F-test and Scheffe dual difference test.

          The results of the research showed that 1) the innovative leadership level of school administrators under Loei primary education service area office 2 as a whole and in all aspects is at a large level. The area with the highest average is ethical and accountable, followed by creating an atmosphere of promotion for innovative organizations. 2) the results of the comparison of innovative leadership of school administrators, classified by (1) gender as a whole, found that there was no difference. There was a statistically significant difference between creativity, risk management, and ethics and accountability at .05. (3) the overall and individual levels of education were statistically significant differences of .05 in terms of vision. Participation in work and teamwork atmospheric aspects ethics and accountability (4) overall and individual work experience were found to be statistically significant differences at the level of .05. Participation in work and teamwork ethics and accountability and the use of information and communication technology were found to be statistically significant differences at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Chaengsahwang, N., & Waisopha, K. (2023). A Study of Innovative Leadership of School Administrators Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 2: A Study of Innovative Leadership of School Administrators Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 2. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 385–397. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/2625
Research Article


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