A study of satisfaction in waste management of Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Muang District, Yasothon Province. A study of satisfaction in waste management of Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Muang District, Yasothon Province.

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Natthapa Saiebsri
Pantawan Kongsema
Anuthai Arunram
Suttiphan Aranyawati
Wipaphan Aupanisakorn


The objectives of this research were 1. to study the satisfaction of waste management in the service area of Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Muang District, Yasothon Province and 2. to study the waste problem and change the attitude from the word “waste” to create “value” from waste for the people in Thung Nang Ok sub-district area. The population and sample are The population residing in Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Muang District, Yasothon Province was calculated by using the Tarot Yamane formula, totaling 370 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire. analyzed using statistics It consists of a frequency distribution. It is expressed as the number, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Content analysis and presented a description

The results showed that Satisfaction with waste management of Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Administrative Organization Mueang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province The results of the study showed that 1. Service aspect with an average of 3.49, 2. Efficiency in waste management The average was 3.46, 3. The availability of equipment and tools. with an average of 3.07 and 4. readiness of staff with an average of 3.13. For additional suggestions on waste management of Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Administrative Organization Muang Yasothon District, Yasothon Province. There are additional suggestions as follows: 1. There should be knowledge on the subject. Proper waste management such as household waste management Organize a waste sorting project, 2. In the collection of solid waste, should not let solid waste fall on the floor causing a bad smell of solid waste, and 3. There should be an increase of solid waste collection rounds twice a day and Improve the quality of waste collection vehicles.

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How to Cite
Saiebsri, N., Kongsema, P., Arunram, A., Aranyawati, S., & Aupanisakorn, W. (2023). A study of satisfaction in waste management of Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Muang District, Yasothon Province.: A study of satisfaction in waste management of Thung Nang Ok Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Muang District, Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 358–367. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/2636
Research Article


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