The Relationship Between Ethical Behavior of School Administrators and Motivation in the Performance of Teachers Under the Office of Non-formal Education and Informal Education Loei Province The Relationship Between Ethical Behavior of School Administrators and Motivation in the Performance of Teachers Under the Office of Non-formal Education and Informal Education Loei Province

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Pornchai Intakod
Pim-on Sod-ium


The ethical behavior of school administrators is a guideline for administration and behavior. The school administrators can apply this principle in order to create the motivation and performance of government teachers and educational personnel and to administrate effectively. The objectives of research was to 1) examine the Ethical Behavior of School Administrators under the Office Non-Formal Education and Informal Education Loei Province, 2) investigate Motivation in the Performance of Teachers under the Office of Non-Formal Education and Informal Education Loei Province, 3) examine the Relationship Between Ethical Behavior of School Administrators and Motivation in the Performance of Teachers Under the Office of Non-Formal Education and Informal Education Loei Province. The sample were 170 teachers under the Office of Non-Formal Education and Informal Education Loei Province in the academic year 2022. The sample size was calculated by using Krejcie and Morgan Table and Proportional stratified random sampling by position and location of the school. The research tool was a 5-level scales questionnaire with a confidence value of 0.98. The statistics used in this study were descriptive statistics is Frequency, Percentage, Mean, standard deviation and Inferential statistics is Pearson’s Product moment correlation coefficient.

          The results of the study revealed as follows 1) The Ethical Behavior of School Administrators under the Office Non-Formal Education and Informal Education Loei Province was overall at a highest level. 2) The Motivation in the Performance of Teachers under the Office of Non-Formal Education and Informal Education Loei Province was overall at a high level. 3) The Relationship Between Ethical Behavior of School Administrators and Motivation in the Performance of Teachers Under the Office of Non-Formal Education and Informal Education Loei Province using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient had a positive relationship with a high level at the .01 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Intakod, P., & Sod-ium, P.- on. (2023). The Relationship Between Ethical Behavior of School Administrators and Motivation in the Performance of Teachers Under the Office of Non-formal Education and Informal Education Loei Province: The Relationship Between Ethical Behavior of School Administrators and Motivation in the Performance of Teachers Under the Office of Non-formal Education and Informal Education Loei Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 423–437. Retrieved from
Research Article


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