Ethical Leadership Affecting Efficiency of Personnel Management of Schools Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1 Ethical Leadership Affecting Efficiency of Personnel Management of Schools Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1

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Pim-on Sodium


The purposes of this research were to study 1) the level of administrators’ ethical leadership of schools under Loei primary education service area office 1; 2) the efficiency level of personnel management of schools under Loei primary education service area office 1; 3) the relationship between ethical leadership and the personnel management efficiency of schools under Loei primary education service area office 1 and 4) the ethical leadership affecting personnel management efficiency of schools under Loei primary education service area office 1. The samples comprised of 297 administrators, teachers and educational personnel of schools under Loei primary education service area office 1. The instrument of this study was a five rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

          The research findings were as follows : 1) the level of administrators’ ethical leadership of schools under Loei primary education service area office 1, as a whole and each aspect, was at ahigh level. 2) the efficiency level of personnel management of schools under Loei primary education service area office 1, as a whole and each aspect, was at ahigh level. 3) the relationship between ethical leadership and the personnel management efficiency of schools under Loei primary education service area office 1, was highly positive with the statistical significance of 0.01 4) the administrators’ ethical leadership, an ethical decision making and a good example, affecting personnel management efficiency of schools under Loei primary education service area office 1 could be used to predict the personnel management efficiency at 63.83 %.

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How to Cite
SIRIMART, S., & Sodium, P.- on . (2023). Ethical Leadership Affecting Efficiency of Personnel Management of Schools Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1: Ethical Leadership Affecting Efficiency of Personnel Management of Schools Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 558–573. Retrieved from
Research Article


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