Analysis of Professional Learning Community of Schools in Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1 Analysis of Professional Learning Community of Schools in Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1

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Wilawan Sopharak
Kunnika Vaisopha


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the components of Professional Learning Community, and 2) examine the coherence of the measurement model of the components of Professional Learning Community of School in Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1 with empirical data. The sample were school administrators and teachers 500 people. It was selected by many-step random sampling. The research instrument was conducted via a five - point rating scale questionnaire of Professional Learning Community of School in Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1, with the reliability of 0.975. The statistical devices used for data analysis consisted of frequency, mean, standard deviation, and the consistency and appropriateness of the measurement model by the confirmatory factor analysis: CFA. The research result were as follows: 1) elements of Professional Learning Community of School in Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1 in an overall aspect to exist at the “MUCH” level. That stood on the top of scale was Shared Values and Vision, Shared Leadership, Supportive Conditions, Learning Together, and Collaborative Teamwork. 2) The results of structural validity examination and structural confidence of the indicators and elements of personnel administration based on the four sublime states of mind of administrators in school were 5 elements and 14 observed  manifest variables, the statistical significance at the .01 level. respectively, results Confirmatory factor analysis shows that the measurement model of was Professional Learning Community of School in Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1 consistent with the empirical data, considering Chi-Square = 37.94 ค่า gif.latex?x^{2}/ df = 1.31, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) = 0.99, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) = 0.96, and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.02

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How to Cite
Sopharak, W., & Vaisopha, K. . (2023). Analysis of Professional Learning Community of Schools in Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1: Analysis of Professional Learning Community of Schools in Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 125–141. Retrieved from
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