Ethical Leadership Administration of Small-School Administors Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 Ethical Leadership Administration of Small-School Administors Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3

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krittayaphat sitasang
boonchuay sirikase


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the ethical leadership of executives. small school academy Under the Office of Loei Primary Education Service Area 3. 2) To compare the ethical leadership of school administrators in small schools. Under the Office of Loei Primary Education Service Area 3. Classified by gender, age, level of education and work experience The sample group used in this research was 425 teachers of a small school under the Office of Loei Primary Educational Service Area 3 in the academic year 2022. tools used in The research was a 5-point estimation questionnaire with a reliability of 0.98. The statistics used to analyze the descriptive statistics were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and one-way analysis of variance.

          The results showed that Ethical Leadership Level of Small School Administrators Under the Office of Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, the overall level was at the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at the highest level in all aspects, with the highest mean being honest, followed by respect, and the lowest mean being justice. overall and honesty Respect and responsibility are no different. Therefore, it is not in accordance with the assumptions set. As for justice, there was a statistically significant difference at the .05 level and up according to the hypothesis classified by age. The overall difference was statistically significant at the .01 level. when considering side by side It was found that all aspects were different at statistical significance at the .01 level of 4 aspects: justice. Honesty Respect and responsibility The results of this research are in accordance with the hypothesis set. Classified by level of education found that People with undergraduate and postgraduate education have an overall opinion. Justice and Responsibility no difference Therefore, it is not in accordance with the assumptions set. As for honesty and respect, there was a statistically significant difference at the .01 level, which was in line with the hypothesis. Classified by work experience overall and honesty Respect and responsibility are not different Therefore, it is not in accordance with the assumptions set. section of justice There was a statistically significant difference at the .05 level, so it was in accordance with the hypothesis.

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How to Cite
sitasang, krittayaphat, & sirikase, boonchuay. (2023). Ethical Leadership Administration of Small-School Administors Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3: Ethical Leadership Administration of Small-School Administors Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 246–257. Retrieved from
Research Article


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