Administrators' Role Affecting Learning Promoting Support for the 21st Century of Primary in Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 Administrators' Role Affecting Learning Promoting Support for the 21st Century of Primary in Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Kritsana Seetao
Phrakhrupalad Chakphon Siritharo


          The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of school administrators in affecting the promotion of Learning management in the 21 centuries of schools under Loei Primary Education Area Office District 2 Because the role of school administrators needs to be adjusted to meet the century. 21 samples include school administrators and teacher officials, totaling 302 people. The research instrument is a questionnaire characterized by a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire by frequency distribution. Find out what per cent. average and standard deviation. The statistics used to test the hypothesis are the Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis using the Stepwise method.

          The results of the research were as follows:

  1. The overall average of educational institution administrators' roles was at the highest level for all variables. 2. Learning management in the 21 century averages at a large level in all variables. 3. Relationship between the role of school manager and the organization Learning in the 21-century found that the role of school administrators was highly positively correlated (RXY=.699) statistically significant at .01 4. The role of school administrators in the learning management in the 21 century the role of school manager in 5 variables can be combined with learning management resources in the 21 centuries under the Loei Primary Education Area Office. District 2 has statistical significance at the .05 level, with the best predictive power being the adviser, followed by the facilitator. School administrators can predict learning management in the 21 centuries by 72%.

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How to Cite
Seetao, K., & Siritharo, P. C. . (2023). Administrators’ Role Affecting Learning Promoting Support for the 21st Century of Primary in Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2: Administrators’ Role Affecting Learning Promoting Support for the 21st Century of Primary in Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 435–448. Retrieved from
Research Article


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