Factor Analysis of Disruptive Leadership Characteristics of School Administrators Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 Factor Analysis of Disruptive Leadership Characteristics of School Administrators Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Atiporn Suebsai
Pim-on Sod-ium


          The following are the research objectives of this thesis: 1) to study the components of disruptive leadership among school administrators in Loei Primary Educational Service Area 1. 2) To examine the compatibility of the Disruptive Leadership component model of Loei Primary Educational Service Area 1 school administrators with empirical data. This study's sample group consisted of 300 administrators and teachers from the Loei Primary Educational Service Area 1 during the academic year 2022.

          1)  Disruptive Leadership of school Administrators in Loei Primary Educational Service Area 1 consisted of 5 components: 1) Strategic management 2) Transformational Leader 3) Communication skill 4) Human resource management 5) Creative and positive thinking

           2) The model for measuring the Disruptive Leadership characteristics of school administrators in Loei Primary Educational Service Area 1 is consistent with the empirical data, it was found that the p-value of ( gif.latex?x^{2} ) , Chi-Square test, RMSEA, AGFI ,SRMR NFI, NNFI ,CFI and GFI were at good level by considering the p-value of (gif.latex?x^{2} )=  0.10, Chi-Square /df= 1.14, df = 165, CFI = 0.99, GFI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.02, SRMR = 0.02

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How to Cite
Suebsai, A., & Sod-ium, P.- on. (2023). Factor Analysis of Disruptive Leadership Characteristics of School Administrators Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1: Factor Analysis of Disruptive Leadership Characteristics of School Administrators Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 482–496. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/3125
Research Article


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