Morals and Ethics of Thai Educational Personnel Morals and Ethics of Thai Educational Personnel

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Saowanan Kwankaew


          Thai of educational personnel morality and ethics, which means behaving in the teaching profession that is full of values of right and appropriateness in a way that produces the highest benefits according to duties, does not cause suffering to anyone or anything, not contrary to the law of the country, must be reviewed. Thailand adopted an educational system from the west which emphasizes knowledge and competency in academic and professional abilities are important. Even educational personnel are regarded as the precursor. Comprehensive education should be a moderate practice that provides people with wisdom, morality, and concentration. The author will present Threefold Training or moderate practice, expanding into the Noble Eightfold Path. Virtues of the King are the principle of conduct and practice. Even if it means dharma for the king, teachers should put it into practice as it is a dharma that protects and makes them prosperous and safe. Moral ethics are dharma that are tools used to get rid of what is undesirable, that is, what causes suffering of all kinds. Thailand should revive a curriculum to teach educational personnel to behave in a manner full of morality and ethics.

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How to Cite
Kwankaew, S. (2023). Morals and Ethics of Thai Educational Personnel: Morals and Ethics of Thai Educational Personnel. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 758–767. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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